

  • Thankyou for sharing your story and your incredible journey. I have tears in my eyes, as I see your pictures of before and after and at your motivation and strength of character to get to where you are today. I shall remember you, when I don't feel like excercising....I have to lose weight for health reasons too.
  • Thanks for the information, it's so helpful. I notice you haven't included mangos, did you know that they are a natural anti-depressant, just like bananas and dark chocolate.
  • Hello there.....yes, I have been losing about 14lbs, approx 6 kilos and then gaining it back and forth, back and forth.....what helps me is logging my food everyday, and keeping away from bad carbs, like bread, pasta , white rice. I keep to a healhty protein, grilled fish or chicken, and sometimes a grilled steak...lean…
  • Hi, that's a very good question! The reason is, consuming too much fat in one day , one week, one month, and over the years, is not healthy. Too much fat clogs arteries etc and then cause heart problems. Eating some daily fat is very important, because you need it for a healthy diet and for your organs to work properly.…
  • It takes two weeks of not eating "bad sugars", from cookies, cakes, etc.. for your body to get past the addiction or craving that sugar rush. Amazingly enough, if you do something for two weeks consistently, like excercising everyday for two weeks, that becomes your new "habit". As hard as it is, because I have a really…
  • Hello...I will only be tracking my weight. Starting weight at 72 kilos. Good luck everyone.
  • Late snacking is my biggggest problem. I can be good alll day, and even excercise. And then those cravings for snacking just take over and then I turn into a monster, and sabotage the whole day. After reading your post and some of the other members, I vow not to snack tonight and join you with no eating after 7pm. I will…
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