

  • Another r/keto lady here!! Feel free to add!!!
  • A slow cooker will save you so much time! I say invest in one of those and that can free up your time to do your workout! This website will give you all sorts of workout for free that you can do in your home using just your body (or some basic equipment). Good luck and congrats on your baby boy!
  • I like using red bell peppers to make a "marinara" sauce. This is what I use. 1 zucchini 1 red bell pepper some olive oil some tomato paste garlic cloves Salt Basil Cilantro Optional: Sun-dried tomatoes To prepare: Peel the zucchini and slice it the long way so that the slices look like thin pasta pieces. Put some salt and…
  • Wow! You should be very proud of yourself. You are naturally pretty and getting in shape will totally enhance that. Congratulations! If there is anyone who made you feel like crap, I hope that person randomly walks by you and thinks "wow, she looks better than me/my girlfriend/insert person here/etc" Keep it up!