

  • I have absolutely zero experience in cooking like anything so... :(
  • Alright, I just changed my goals n such to account for the very active lifestyle I currently have with how my work goes. I'm still going to need to count at least an hour a day of work there as my daily workout, only after 4+ hours of actually working though... I just don't have time otherwise and I really do push myself…
  • I put my diary back to private because I felt like people were being super rude. I want to clarify that the past week has had so much junk logged because its all I've been able to get my hands on at home or at work. I do not have time to cook anything; if its not microwaveable or ready as bought, I can't worry about it.…
  • Okay now I just feel like total **** and like everyone is just beating me up....thanks guys....
  • I can't really explain my NEED to meet this goal by the end of the month...But basically I've had this goal almost all year and don't want to fail another time....:'( Also, opened up my diary and such to public views....
  • @sammilovesbarly You have a warm smile and I like your glasses frames. :)
  • Prior to starting to really go at losing weight; I drank TONS of Cream Soda. Its now been almost two years since I've touched the stuff. xD (Cut out all soda as well, not just my love of Cream Soda. Oh how I miss thee!)
  • @jeffman622 - Thank you. And its just that I only posted one quick photo I had of myself that I don't hate. Haven't had time to take more with work all night and sleeping during the day. lol Planning on it though! @buckleten - You have a very warm and welcoming smile! @Tropicalflowerz - Since you were skipped; even though…
  • I wanna move this board along but no one can really give you a compliment, Boston, if no one can see your photos and none of the ones you use on your profile are legitimately you. :/
  • You are absolutely amazing! Way to go! :D You look damn good!
  • Thank you. :) I'm trying to stay confident. I can do this. No ifs, ands, or buts!
  • Extra motivation is always helpful and wanted! You can't have too much. lol Frankly what I have the most problem with is sticking to my original plan to run and/or jog on my treadmill everyday. I have a physically demanding job Monday through Friday. However, its a night shift job so I usually have to sleep all day which I…
  • So glad I decided to try the message boards today! I find myself with the same goals as you for the month so Imma go ahead and jump on in here. n_n My name is Alyssa and I'm adding you as a friend, whitelaurel. Starting Weight (11/1): 165 (Unfortunately; I do not have a digital scale to use.) Goal Weight (11/30): 155 11/1:…