So I need to change ALL my food choices...
I don't have time to cook. But I see now I need to find a way to make things work to were I can cook some simple things for myself. Can anyone give me a hand with simple things I can prepare for myself either everyday or for like a week's worth of meals? I have zero experience cooking. Seriously. If it doesn't come in a…
Really really frustrated...
For specific reasons I'd rather not get into, I MUST weigh 145 or less by the end of Dec. According to my brand new digital scale, I am at 164 lbs. I was at 165 last month when I started counting calories and super working hard at my warehouse job. I burn way over 1000 calories a day and still stay under 1500 calories a…
Been here a while but...
I've never put stock in using the message boards. I'm starting to think now that I would have been able to meet my goals faster if I had used them when I started attempting this. I set a goal for myself to hit 145lbs by the end of the year. I set this goal months ago and made it under extremes in an attempt to help…