Been here a while but...

I've never put stock in using the message boards. I'm starting to think now that I would have been able to meet my goals faster if I had used them when I started attempting this. I set a goal for myself to hit 145lbs by the end of the year. I set this goal months ago and made it under extremes in an attempt to help motivate me.

So far its been alright and semi-helpful but I've come to realize I've no real support from anyone else to help me along now that things are becoming more difficult.

Currently, I am aiming to lose another 20 lbs by Dec. 31st. However, I struggle constantly with depression and anxiety and am thus medicated for it. I also refuse to give up my birth control shot every few months despite my suspicions that it, along with my daily medication, is making it more difficult to lose the weight.

Oh...and hi, my name is Alyssa. I'm 23 years old and finding myself 30 or so pounds over-weight. I live in CT. And uh...yeah. ._. Trying to get out of my current rut.


  • VerucaSult
    VerucaSult Posts: 35 Member
    Good luck and stay positive... if you need some extra motivation feel free to add me
  • Extra motivation is always helpful and wanted! You can't have too much. lol Frankly what I have the most problem with is sticking to my original plan to run and/or jog on my treadmill everyday. I have a physically demanding job Monday through Friday. However, its a night shift job so I usually have to sleep all day which I know is definitely not helping me.

    I have so much trouble getting up nice and early as it is, let alone to actually jump start my day by working out a bit. D:
  • Crookey21
    Crookey21 Posts: 311 Member
    sometimes u just have to force urself. mayb just go for a walk instead of jog. we r all here to support each other. :)
  • Kjandcuttysmom
    Kjandcuttysmom Posts: 146 Member
    I hope you're able to reach your goal despite your obstacles by your December date. Good luck. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Thank you. :) I'm trying to stay confident. I can do this. No ifs, ands, or buts!
  • I know exactly where you are coming from! I have quite a bit more weight to lose than you do...but i also struggle with depression and severe anxiety, which i am on medication for...along with birth control also. I've been looking for more supporters feel free to add me also! Together we can make our goals happen!