Lose 8~10lbs Nov. 2012!



  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    I'm in too! My goal is to loose 20 by the end of the year. So this will help keep me accountable for November. Today was staring point so this thread is perfect timing.

    SW: 185
    GW: 175
    UGW: 140

    My goal this week is to cut the junk food and workout 4 times this week.

    Good luck everyone!
  • UndefinedLoser
    UndefinedLoser Posts: 36 Member
    I am very interested in this. My goal is to drink more water.

    Starting Weight (11/1): 186.6
    Goal Weight (11/30): 175-180

    I hope I can do it!
  • westonhive
    westonhive Posts: 56 Member
    Count me in!
    I will lose 7 pounds this month
    I am 4'11 with PCOS, I did good this Month.
    Starting Weight (11/1): 206.2
    Goal Weight (11/30): 199

    11/1: 206.2

    Feel free to add me as a friend and send me a little note..:)
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    @Westonhive: Yay! You're the second person who's going to hit 199 this month. :) How exciting!

    @UndefinedLose: You CAN! :D And good luck with the water. I seriously need to do that too. Especially because recently I've been accidentally consuming more salt than usual. Oooops...

    @fit4life_73: Awesome! We have the same goal! Both in terms of pounds down by the end of the year, and in terms of working out! Oh, and pretty much in terms of numbers, haha. :)

    @lizblizz2012: Yes! :) I can't wait to see how successful we all are.
  • heck yes! Lets do it!
    SW 162
    GW 152

    I just kicked up my workout routine last week because I have been platued for a month then now its slow to go again. I do min of
    25 min cardio 5x's week
    weights upper 2x's week
    weights lower 2x's week
    Crunches 3x's week

    This is week 2 of my version of insanity. lol. I only rest on the weekends. If this doesn't help IDK what will!!!
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome :D How do you like Insanity?? :D Also, I think I'll have to step up my lifting routine to match you... :)
  • ckyte1
    ckyte1 Posts: 34 Member
    Count me in!

    SW: 174lbs =( I gained 4lbs in the last week...probably because of my sodium
    GW: 165-160lbs

    I'm really wanting to incorporate more veggies into my diet (I've kind of fell by the way side on that when I tried to reduce carbs and increase protein...just trying to find a balance).

    I also need to reduce the amount of sodium I take in bc I tend to have a hard time releasing salts (even with me drinking tons of water). So if I'm focused enough, the first 4 lbs will just fall off bc that's water weight and the next 10 lbs is what I will really have to focus on.

    Here's to November!!!!
  • joni1323
    joni1323 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first post...

    Is it too late to join this group? This is EXACTLY my goal for the end of the month!

    CW- 168.8
    GW- 159.0 or lower :)
  • Jodway73
    Jodway73 Posts: 4 Member
    Let's do it, I am in!

    I would like to lose 10 lbs this month.

    SW: 179
    GW: 169

    Good Luck everyone!
  • high5girl
    high5girl Posts: 90 Member

    SW: 236.8
    GW: 228.8

    Loss of 8lbs for November. Good luck everyone! :)
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    This is something to consider to hold myself accountable. Last year I gained 4-6# during November due to candy, alcohol, and an entire week of Thanksgiving celebration.
    While I do not intend to kick the week of Thanksgiving (I celebrate my January birthday during the entire week of Thanksgiving, with my mother's blessing, lol), and I am much better about the alcohol... candy has got me in it's grips. Dang you Halloween!!!


    SW: 136.2#
    GW: 134.6... or burn at least 600cal/day 5d/wk for the entire month - no roll overs!
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome! The more the merrier! :D

    I'm working on something special that I'll post in time for the first weigh-in (Nov. 8), so how about if you get in by early Nov. 7, you're safe!! :D At least as far as "graphic representation" goes. ;)

    It sounds like a few of us are working on sodium intake... Or maybe that just sticks out to me because I have been TERRIBLE about my sodium recently. :(
  • I'm so glad so many people want to join in!! :D

    What does everybody think: Should I start a group? If so, I'll invite everybody who responds to this thread! And maybe I'd start it in a few days, just in case we get any stragglers. :) I've never created a group before, but it seems pretty straightforward. It would be cool if on Group message boards, you can scroll down to see more than the past five posts. ;) I like to respond to everybody...

    @Stephaniern21: I can't wait to hear about your progress! I hope you shake off those 5 lbs this month :D

    I took out some stuff so this didn't become an extremely long quote lol but I do hope all of the other girls in here meet their goals too... lets go us November stars!! I hope I can shake those pounds too.. i was at 140.5 last week, and went to 140.2 just yesterday.. so looks like im still 10 pounds away as a whole, so sticking with my 5... lets hope I can do it! I saw you were worried about sodium intake? Is it for health reasons, or just a personal goal? I never usually watch it much because I drink lots of water! Oh, and I think making this a group would be a great idea :)
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    I took out some stuff so this didn't become an extremely long quote lol but I do hope all of the other girls in here meet their goals too... lets go us November stars!! I hope I can shake those pounds too.. i was at 140.5 last week, and went to 140.2 just yesterday.. so looks like im still 10 pounds away as a whole, so sticking with my 5... lets hope I can do it! I saw you were worried about sodium intake? Is it for health reasons, or just a personal goal? I never usually watch it much because I drink lots of water! Oh, and I think making this a group would be a great idea :)

    If we work hard we can make some progress anyway! :) And that's always an accomplishment in itself these winter months, haha. As for the sodium, the only reason I'm watching it is because I tend to NOT drink enough water!! So my sodium intake always shows up on the scale--And I imagine it's not very good for you in general if you're taking in too much salt and not enough water. So I'm trying to either limit my sodium while struggling to get enough water........ Or upping my water so I don't have to worry about it! I figure either way will get me there. :) Mmk! I'll go ahead and make a group for us then!!
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in:)

    SW Feb. 2012 = 179.6
    CW Nov 1 = 144
    GW = (currently...subject to change!) 135
  • tlnurse
    tlnurse Posts: 229 Member
    I'm in:)

    SW Feb. 2012 = 179.6
    CW Nov 1 = 144
    GW = (currently...subject to change!) 135

    BTW....am starting Turbo Fire on Monday.....anybody want to join me?
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome! :) What's Turbo Fire?? Is that a DVD program?? It sounds intense, anyway! I wish you the best of luck with it!! :D
  • So glad I decided to try the message boards today! I find myself with the same goals as you for the month so Imma go ahead and jump on in here. n_n My name is Alyssa and I'm adding you as a friend, whitelaurel.

    Starting Weight (11/1): 165 (Unfortunately; I do not have a digital scale to use.)
    Goal Weight (11/30): 155

    11/1: 165
  • violetcharms
    violetcharms Posts: 158 Member
    I'm in too!

    I've got a Nov 15 goal to lose another 2kg (4.4lb), so 8-10lb by Nov 30 sounds like a great fit!

    CW: 67kg (147.4lb)
    GW(Nov 30): 63kg (138.6lb)

    Goal/plan is to stick with Insanity even though it's MURDERING every muscle in my body. Also, watch my macros (somehow the diet is always harder than the workout, even though the workout brings physical pain. I wonder why?)

    Good luck to all of us!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    I am definitely in! Somehow I managed to gain a lot of weight this year and am now entering the holidays (my typical time to gain weight) heavier than I've been since I was pregnant.

    CW: (which was 3 days ago): 135
    GW: 125

    I'm tracking my food intake and upping my fitness level to get it done. We are going to Las Vegas to visit family over thanksgiving weekend, I would love to have lost some weight before then and be able to keep it off instead of pig out.

    Good luck everyone!

    BTW, I am also tracking inches and recommend it as a much better way to track your progress. Sometimes my scale refuses to budge but my waist may shrink an inch anyway. :-).