liisa23 Member


  • Those thoughts can be very normal when trying to lose weight, because losing weight is so much more of a mental challenge than anything. You may want to do some inner work and get to the root of why the weight was put on in the first place. Sounds to me like your "other side" is trying to keep you "safe and protected".
  • First of all, breathe!! Your body is at a really great place to begin with. Are you eating fats? Eating more fat will help, and will also help keep your brain in balance. I hope you do realize that you are bordering on eating disorder behaviour, and may want to consider seeking out the advice/help of a naturopath and/or…
  • I am not a vegetarian or a vegan, nor a raw foodist, however, I have done all three. I did raw food for 30 days once, just because I wanted to, and I felt amazing! Never hungry because I could eat whenever I wanted, and I just felt really good. I didn't keep up with it though, mainly because of the amount of time it took…
  • Honestly, doctors are not trained in nutrition. If you are in Toronto, there are quite a few great Holistic Nutritionists out there who would do a world of help, and aren't as expensive as a naturopath. I graduated from a school in Vancouver that's originally from Toronto, and we are not only trained in Holistic Nutrition…
  • You are not getting enough fat in your diet. Increase the fat (avocado, coconut anything, butter, etc...) and you'll feel a million times better. I also agree with the others about increasing your protein intake. From what you described as your typical daily diet, combined with the amount of exercise you do, you aren't…
  • Just came across the overnight method for steel cut oats today. I'm going to give it a shot tonight, fingers crossed!
  • I am also starting over. I started using MFP in July, did great for about 2 weeks and then thought I didn't need it anymore. sub-conscious sure loves to sabotage me. :P Anyways...I have since GAINED weight (no kidding) since then, and I really am sick and tired of looking and feeling this way. Quite…