

  • that is great!! good job I will hope to be able to report progress like that when I am almost done.
  • thanks so much for the input ......It is great to be able to get others opinion. I am super excited to do it, I am sorta going cheat I am just doing the fit test this week due to the fact that I am about to leave for a 4 day fast wedding trip and dont want to really start and get part way in and then leave. but the day…
  • I am 37 and would like to be friends. if you want I just posted for the first time today also.
  • thank you for the support. it means a great deal to me to know that there are some poeple out there that route for someone. we are working on the issues that we have, but at this point i am solely working on this for me! I am proud of the progress that I have made this far and will continue to more forward for myself and…