starting over again.

I am not sure really what to say other than the fact that in Jan of this year I was told by my spouse that if I didn't loose weight he wanted a divorce. things at that point were not good anyway and I believe that it was just one more thing to top it all off. so I made the changes that were asked for. now I am not extremely over weight but I know that I needed to do something about the way that I looked for myself as well as try to save my 17 year marriage. So much for unconditional love. does it really exist? Well now I have not lost a huge amount a weight but I am still working on the slow progress and I have lost nearly 25 pounds and a good amount of inches over all my body, I am by no means where I want to be, or I am sure where he wants me to be but I have become more at peace with who I am. I love soda, sugar and bread. I could easily be a carbaholic!:wink: I excercise every morning and I work outside on our 17 acre ranch every sat. so why is it impossible for the person that requested the changes not verbalize or even acknowledge that I have worked really hard to get to were I am and still be a wife, mother and work full time. I am I doing something wrong.
I have decided to start over and loose the weight from this point on for me and no one else. I will be in shape and happy to be me. not for someone else but only for me. so if anyone has any helpful ideas, to help me along the way. I would love to hear them.


  • Nanook8
    Nanook8 Posts: 33 Member
    Losing weight and becoming healthy should be solely for you and I am glad to read that you have come to that conclusion for yourself. I am sorry that your spouse is not very encouraging but I will encourage you to keep at it and find the "new" you. .... for you, not him. Hopefully once you become happier with yourself, he will notice and if he doesn't then I suggest you seek counseling to work through other issues at the root of his behavior. You cannot change him, but you CAN change yourself!
  • mommygirlx3
    mommygirlx3 Posts: 39 Member
    man that burns me he would demand you lose weight do it for yourself not him how dare him I bet there are alot of things that he does that really pisses you off and you put up with it. sorry to be blunt but once you lose weight he will find something else wrong trust me I have been there only difference was I did not take it told him take me as I am or hit the road.
  • thank you for the support. it means a great deal to me to know that there are some poeple out there that route for someone. we are working on the issues that we have, but at this point i am solely working on this for me! I am proud of the progress that I have made this far and will continue to more forward for myself and kids.
  • JHP8
    JHP8 Posts: 7 Member
    He is really lucky to have a partner who is willing to work super hard to take care of herself, in part because he asked her to do so. I've been married a long time...some years were harder than others. It sounds like you want a happy marriage with your husband. You should tell him that.
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