

  • I'll look into the Insanity Tracker, too! Thanks! And yeah, keep pushing through. I was reading an interview with Shawn T. and he said that most people quit in the 1st or 2nd week. Try to get to that third week - by the end it will start being more of a habit. I have started and stopped Insanity three times. This time I…
  • Cnjorda: Awesome! I am looking at the link on Amazon now for the HRM. Looks like a great on, thanks! I like that it "yells" at you! I probably need that! That is a good point about eating during your weak time. I have to discipline myself to just start the workout and work through or ignore the "hunger" I feel. Usually…
  • Thanks for the breakdown of your nutrition information. It helps! MFP has me on 1200 calories, but I NEVER stick to that. I am usually between 1400 and 1500, and I guess that Insanity is 300-400 calories burned. Sounds like I should invest in a heart rate monitor! I am going to purchase one this week! I still never know…
  • That is a great point! I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who struggles to fit in workout time on the weekends! I am happy that your results and experiences haven't been altered too drastically when doing 5 workouts instead. I tend to get discouraged when I don't stick to a program and let that discouragement…
  • Way to go, kandalure!!!! Gosh, I was sucking wind doing that fit test! Great job! Good luck today on your Plyo-Cardio Circuit workout! You got this!
  • Hi Cnjorda! Thanks for your great post! I am inspired by your story! Congratulations on a great first month and 10 pounds lost! I am also happy to hear that you are in a healthy relationship! Are you also changing the way your eat? I am restarting Insanity after not doing it for over a year! Last time, I never made it past…
  • And I agree with Gettinitin82! Go at your own pace. Don't get discouraged! This workout is HARD. I have done the 30 day shred, and this workout is so much more intense than Jillian, and I think that the results prove that! DIG DEEPER!!!!
  • Good luck! On to the first real day today! I have only gotten through 11 days of this program in the past and would love to get through the whole thing! New calendar, new group, no excuses for me either! ;)
  • Good job Beej! 5lbs are definitely a good workout. I just finished L1D6, and its not as hard as day 1! I workout in front of my living room mirror when I need extra motivation! Haha. Keep it up!
    in May 29 Comment by pomiliak May 2013
  • Way to go! Restarting can be tough! How was it using the 5lb weights?! I wanted to start D1L1 Monday, but it's hard being sick. I feel like I am on the mend so I'll be starting D1L1 tomorrow. I would LOVE to do the Jillian videos 4-5 days a week. Are you doing the 30 days consecutively? I'd love to know how people approach…
    in May 22 Comment by pomiliak May 2013
  • Way to go, Beej! I know the hardest part is starting again! I use the 5lb weights, and find the squat and press from workout level #1 to burn!!! But keep pushing! I start this afternoon!
    in May 21st Comment by pomiliak May 2013
  • Let's do this! Ready to start the DVD over again! Gonna take my measurements like suggested! We got this!
    in May 20th Comment by pomiliak May 2013