

  • Are you trying to eat a diet less than 1200 calories each day? I do want to warn you that is very unhealthy and will put your body into starvation mode. You should aim for at least 1200 calories each day. If you had been eating less than 1200 calories/day, that may be another reason why you gained back your 10 pounds in…
  • Do you have work out programs you use at home? That is always handy if you're pressed for time and don't want to leave your home after the madness has passed. Otherwise have you thought about being an early morning exerciser? I run a couple mornings before work during the work week to make sure I'm getting in enough…
  • Strength training 101: Do not exercise the same muscles every day. Alternate muscle days so you do not cause injury and allow your muscles to recover! If you are doing heavy, strenuous lifting routine - make sure you give your body some protein after (like a shake or glass of chocolate milk) If you do sets of 10-12 reps...…
  • How far are you training to run? I'm hoping to do a half marathon this summer (have been training to do so) I've heard mixed reviews about running - some articles state it is the best weight loss exercise - some warn it may actually make you gain (muscle) which isn't helpful if you're just watching the scale. -Sherena…
  • What motivates you most? Sherena -
  • Hi Aimly! Congrats on your decision to strive towards a healthier you! What's your current exercise and diet regimen like? -Sherena
  • Isn't it amazing and eye-opening when we start counting calories just how much we really under estimate our daily caloric intake? I struggle with this daily - at one point I think I'm eating a 100 calorie snack and it turns out to be 300! What's your current exercise and diet plan? -Sherena…
  • What are your dietary restrictions that you need to follow which will be most difficult for you? What's everyone' s plan or method of madness to lose weight? -Sherena
  • What diet modifications have you made to keep your cholesterol in check? Have you considered increasing your exercise? -Sherena
  • Have you thought about going to your local thrift shop to see what kinds of work out DVDs people have dropped off? There are so many things you can do using your own body weight at home to get yourself started. Above all, you have to want to change - set your expectations - menu plan - don't be let a set back ruin your…