Back again - Stopped using MFP and gained 10 lbs

Hi all,

I stopped using MFP two months ago and I've managed to gain 10 lbs. I'm now committed to making MFP an integral part of my low carb, VLC lifestyle. I have several interests in using MFP, and hope to find friends with similar interests. I am hoping some of you will send me friend requests if you are interested in any of the following:
1. Tips for managing a Daily calorie intake of less than 1200 per day;
2. Atkins dieting - Phase 1;
3. How to avoid carb cravings;
4. Motivation and support for losing 50 lbs or more; and
5. How to manage dieting and exercise when you have a very busy schedule.

Hope to hear from you soon,



  • juliagorina
    juliagorina Posts: 34 Member
    I am in a very similar position! It's definitely hard to watch your hard work go right down the drain. In my case, I put the weight back on in my upper leg area. Soooo... I'm back. I'm trying a no-carbs or fats, with only protein allowed for the first week, diet. After the first week, certain veggies are added back, working towards returning to the "eating what you want" state. Good luck, lets do this!!
  • Are you trying to eat a diet less than 1200 calories each day?
    I do want to warn you that is very unhealthy and will put your body into starvation mode. You should aim for at least 1200 calories each day. If you had been eating less than 1200 calories/day, that may be another reason why you gained back your 10 pounds in two months.
    Remember to always eat every 3-4 hours and incorporate protein.
    Incorporate at least two days of weight training per week.
    Have you considered paying your daily food allowance in a bag? This will help with mindless snacking and recognizing what you have left for the day to meet your goals.
    You may want to consider finding a diet that fits your body and lifestyle. No carbs are also dangerous- your body needs carbs, especially if you're exercising. Carbs are also essential for some brain functioning. I've heard of others having their allowed carbs in the morning for breakfast and then the rest of the day having protein based foods and veggies. Just don't deprive your body of too much, because in the end, it will make you crazy.
    I post motivational and exercise information on my fb page, so please feel free to like if you want daily information.
    Also feel free to add me on here! Good luck!

  • lou0210
    lou0210 Posts: 16
    I'm in the same boat, stopped using mfp, stopped tracking my weight and when I checked I had put on more than 10 pounds!! I have considered Atkins but don't know enough about it to give advice but feel free to add me lou0210