redman1740 Member


  • I practiced the vegan diet for Lent one year and I respect people who are vegans. I learned a lot while practicing and I took quite a few healthier choices from trying it. I rarely eat dairy products, replaced milk with Almond milk and I eat a lot more veggies than meat. I feel great, I maintain a balanced diet and not to…
  • For some people, being friends with their ex(s) can work, not so much for the majority. Listen to the song "Can't be friends" by Trey Songz :wink:
  • Its like this, if you want to be the best you must become obsessed with it. 2 hrs a day in the gym 3 times a week isn't enough to cause a problem at home. You have to lay out some ground rules, develop a schedule and stick to it. Women are consistent creatures and will get bent out of shape when the regular schedule is…
  • You may also want to look into getting with a trainer. Not one of those guys at the gym, but an actual person that will develop a plan for you and what goals you have in mind. Look on craigslist for a local person, they aren't that expensive and will get you right. Next, look at your nutrition as abs are developed in the…
  • I'm not a female but I see the females at the gym with the great butts doing a lot of leg/lower body exercises and a lot of the stair master. Not that I'm looking but they have great butts. Hope this helps and I appreciate all the feedback being given,. We as men do like to look at a nice sculptured butt. #IJS
  • SQUAT, SQUAT, SQUAT!!!!! Earn that *kitten* :) :) :) :)
  • Great challenge for everyone that doesn't workout or get exercise on a regular basis. I wish everyone well on this challenge and don't stop at 24 hrs, you have more in you. Why not 30? :)
  • Using lighter weight will also help you build muscle. As your weight decreases, your reps should increase. So let's say you take 20lbs off something you were doing 8 rep. Kick it up to 5 sets of 20 reps instead. You are more less working out with the weights and as it gets easier, you increase the weight. Try that and…
  • You are weight training, which builds muscle and we all know muscle weighs more than fat. Second, you only do 15 min of cardio about 4 times a week. 15 min of cardio is only going to give you 15 min of results. I can say that because I do an hour of cardio 4 to 5 times a week and I've had great results. I know a lot of…
  • Advice on losing weight? First, you have to want this, you must have your mind set on doing this, wanting this like you've never wanted anything. Then you start off small, making changes to your diet, going to the gym and making more lifestyle changes, not temp changes. There isn't any advice, only what works for you and…
  • You may want to try "Intermittent Fasting" but that's more of a lifestyle change to the way you eat and how to get your body on a eating schedule. Google it and try it out, can't hurt right? As for tricks, secrets, etc.. its like this.... you can't get around hard work. That's the secret, the trick. However hard and long…
  • I come from a eating family. Everything we do revolves around eating unhealthy foods. Early last year as part of a 40 day challenge I went on a vegan diet, lost weight and my cholestrol levels were great. Slowly my family tempted me with their numerous family eat togethers and within 3 months I was back to my old ways of…
  • Meat! I love meat its the one thing that I eat too much of. I am trying to only eat meat once a week to keep it under control. I even bought a food scale and use myfitnesspal to aid me in not eating too much meat.