
  • I TAKE PROTO WHEY POWER CRUNCH I ADD 2 scoops of the powder 4 oz water 3/4 cup thawed out strawberries 3 inch banana A few ice cubes * :noway: BEST TO PUT WATER IN FIRST THEN 2 scoops of the powder. Shake well before adding banana & strawberries THEN PUT IN BLENDER ???? Tastes good to me.
  • I started at 1300 calories and lost 28 lbs from 8/19/10 to date. However, I was told that 1300 was too low and that if I continued my body would start eating itself because it would think it was starving. So I moved it up to 1520 now I gained 2 lbs since then. So I think I will go back to 1300.
    in New : o ) Comment by MAC24 November 2010
  • It can be done, I accidently found "MyfitnessPal, accidently while playing around with my iphone. It works. Doctors arn't always right, you do what you feel you can, no body knows your body like you do. I weighted 228 and lost 26 lbs in a couple of months. just eat what you want but smaller portions. Like at Red Robin a…