Mrs. Fatty McFatty Pants



  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member

    Maybe we should all find pictures of our doctors and hang them in front of our treadmills/bikes/elipticals and yell at them while we work out. HA!

    bwahahahhaahahahah!!! LOVE THIS!!
  • MAC24
    MAC24 Posts: 3
    It can be done, I accidently found "MyfitnessPal, accidently while playing around with my iphone. It works. Doctors arn't always right, you do what you feel you can, no body knows your body like you do. I weighted 228 and lost 26 lbs in a couple of months. just eat what you want but smaller portions. Like at Red Robin a 'bowl' of chili chili beans is 591 calories, a cup of chili chili beans is 276 calories. Just smaller portions, and eat often so you won't be ravenous. Like a half of tuna sandwich, and an apple, then later on some string cheese and crackers, etc. You will make it good luck

  • Pipermersch
    I got the same response from my doctor this past monday and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I have to be serious this time and get the weight off. I'm pretty upset.
  • smedlund
    smedlund Posts: 122 Member
    I get where you're coming from. I am looking to lose 174 pounds. I hit my peak in 06 and since then have lost roughly 70 pounds. I didn't track my first 30 pounds and it took me about 2 years to lose it. I have since lost another 46 pounds and have been tracking this time. It's coming off faster and more permanent. It's a lifestyle change and once you're ready to do it, no one can stop you!

    Good luck!!
  • grogers421
    grogers421 Posts: 24 Member
    Hang in there you can do it. I am in the same boat as you. I want to lose almost 200 lbs. I have lost 38 lbs so far and I have not had nor do I plan on having the surgery. I say together we can make your Dr. eat his words. Some people can be so negative. Ignore them, they are not worth your time.

    Just this past thursday I had the awesome opportunity to speak to a lecture hall full of 2nd year Medical students at the University of Utah. I was invited by my Dr. that is on the faculty there. She wanted the students to understand how to deal with overweight or as in my case Morbidly Obese patients and the unique challenges that we face. There were a lot of questions asked, most of them good and insightful. Anyone interested in knowing more about the lecture, just ask.

    I always have to remind myself that every journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. I wish you all the luck in the world.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    A few years ago my doctor told me to loose weight (but he didn't think I would since no one ever comes back thinner). I went in the next year 105 pounds thinner. The look was PRICELESS!!!!!
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Welcome to MFP. Glad you have taken the first step to a healthier you. Your doctor will be very surprise when you walk in there having lost the pounds that he thought you couldn't. He won't be able to believe his eyes.:noway: We are all in this journey together. When I joined this site, I too had over 100 pounds to loose. So fare I have lost 27 of those pounds. It is a life style change and I know you can do it. We are in this together!!!:drinker:

    I send a friend request.
  • canieatnomore
    Welcome! So many people here have acomplished so many wonderful things and they are a motivation to all of us! Congrats on doing your first step to a better life!
    I ll add u and support you all the way! You CAN do it!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    You WILL prove your doctor wrong. You ABSOLUTELY can lose weight without surgery. We're so glad you're here.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
