

  • bread of choice (I usually use 2 slices of wheat) If I make my tuna salad at home I use light miracle whip spinach leaves jalapenos onions (i prefer red) cheese (optional - hot pepper is my choice if I decide I want it)
  • I remember a few years ago when I lost weight (the first time) I needed jeans so bad. I started out in a 26/28 and I was down to about a 18/20....I didn't think about it, but I couldn't find any 18/20s and I was soooooo mad. I was near tears when I told my husband I couldn't find my size....He was like "Kalyn, LOOK…
  • How could people NOT check you out!!!!? Look at you!!!! Very pretty!!!! The 2 pictures look like 2 totally different people. Thanks for sharing!!!!
  • I love real books. Especially when I would go to a yard sale and get the for $.10. But for Christmas I got a Nook Color and I am in LOVE! I read a lot. I love to read. And if we go away some where I have all of my books in my hands. And I can also use it like a laptop for the internet and games and such :)
  • Logan, Ohio (Hocking Hills) here. Always happy to add a local :)
  • I don't force myself to eat them. But sometimes on the weekends I tend to eat more (out to lunch/dinner). A few years ago when I lost a bunch I did the same way I am now and did well. I figure the same will work now. I find if I stress myself out about then I don't lose as well.
  • But you logged it!!!! I am a junk food fiend.....I love junk food. This is a big fault of mine.. I would eat junk food all day long everyday if I allowed myself. I have not cut myself off completely. I just moderated it. I will allow myself a bit once a week, that way I will feel okay about it and still cure that craving.…
  • I try not to pig out on "rubbish" food to get calories....the last week I have just had quite a few calories left. I don't eat a lot through the day because I have a hard time snacking at work. I am working on ways to bump up my breakfast calories.....
  • I love natural peanut butter, while my husband hates it. So we buy a big jar of regular creamy (whatever is cheapest) and since I have started counting calories I discovered PB&Co....OMG....I LOVE it....perfect to add to my oatmeal in the mornings (I no longer put sugar in my oatmeal - yay me!) . I haven't tried it with…
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