karenk2f Member


  • For me, being with my horses is a great form of stress relief. It is also a great distraction for that boredom eating. When I'm riding, I'm not eating! :smile: But, on the other hand, I do other exercises in addition to being with the horses. As for your other question about if it helps your riding. Again, for me, very…
  • Hi! Best wishes on your weight loss goals. You can do it! To answer your question: No, I never quit riding. My horses are my main motivation. Many of my NSV's are horsey related and those just further encourage my progress. My 'boys' make very good weight loss coaches and there is the exercise factor that comes with riding…
  • Huge congratulations to you!! As a fellow 'Horse Nerd', I totally understand how horses can be a driving force for weight loss. I knew I was getting somewhere when I could post the trot in one fluid motion and the extra weight in my rear didn't cause me to a 'double post'! Keep going! You are doing great! Happy Trails!!
  • I hope to have a 3 yo broke and able to ride for the summer. Would like the 4 yo learn collection, lateral bending and smoother transitions. Would really like to take a couple to the mountains for a trail ride. Get 9 yo to be 'push-button'. Hmmmm, gonna need a longer summer!
  • I wish I had some profound, sage advice to give. However, reading your post is like looking in a mirror and I have no answers. Like you, my weight loss has screeched to a halt. I only have a few 'jiggles' I would like to trim down. Your post and the answers have been most helpful! Hang in there! You will ultimately win!
  • I know what you are talking about!! Cravings can be so hard to control. One of my MFP pals suggested the tea idea as well and it has helped a lot. I like the fruit teas like apple cinnamon. I have also found that keeping my water intake high (again, the tea helps with this!) will keep some cravings at bay. Something else I…
  • The thing I love about these posts in MFP is their timing couldn't be better! I have been frustrated lately about this very thing! My goal weight is so close and I certainly don't want to go back to where I was. Yet, my resolve goes right out the window when we go to social events with great food or there are holiday…
  • Plain tea (no sugar, cream, etc.) is probably okay...What I found worked for me was the fact that if I drank anything but water, I was losing calories I could be eating. I wanted to maximize the calories I could eat. (I like food, A LOT!) Since I have started this, I have given up all other beverages but water. (I do have…
  • Water! Drink lot's of water! I felt just like you at the beginning. MUST EAT! But I found as I drank more water and got up to where I was drinking the recommended amounts, some of those cravings diminished. I also found that if I stayed on 'schedule' for awhile in the beginning my hunger wasn't as bad. For me: Breakfast,…
  • That is very helpful and a good way to look at it! Thank you!
  • Thanks for the replies! I forgot to mention that this is keeping all other variables the same. (same weigh-in time in the morning, same scale, etc.) I like shelbymkoenig's "go with the lowest number..." It sure makes me happy to see a smaller number! Just hate to be 'jumping the gun' if it isn't going to stick.
  • Both. Sometimes I wish I had completely, dog-broke horses. But, I also really enjoy working with them and seeing their 'Aha' moments and watching them develop. Definitely a challenge, though.
  • LOL! These are great. Thanks for sharing!!
  • I don't like getting up early...but like many others, if I don't exercise in the morning I won't get it done at all. When I first started, it was hard but I wouldn't let myself make excuses. In fact, my alarm would go off and I would roll out of bed and not even give myself a chance to think about it. I set out my clothes,…
  • I understand that feeling all too well. It isn't an easy thing. I have been rebuilding my confidence over quite some time through Natural Horsemanship techniques. One thing I have learned that helps me, is to give yourself a 'job'. Make yourself a 'mental pattern' to follow while out riding. I like to do serpentines,…
  • When you say F-u to the beef, pork, dairy and corn idustries, does that include all the families in those industries who are working very hard everyday to produce a quality product? I think it is very unfair to make such generalizations because of one side of arguments. Have you ever worked around any of these industries,…
  • A couple of books I enjoyed recently were: Soul of a Horse-Joe Camp and Falling for Eli-Nancy Shulins. Both were based on real life but they were still good reads.
  • Went skiing yesterday. Skied all day with only a short break for lunch. Felt great all day. Not sore at all. Plus, my ski pants didn't fit anymore. Woo Hoo!
  • No worries! No one is perfect. We just have to pull ourselves up and try again. I can totally understand, though. WAY too much sodium over the weekend did it to me as well. Felt horrible and gained some water weight. With other people on MFP to cheer you on, you shrug it off and keep working. But I learned a valuable…