only 6 lbs lost and such a hugeee difference in yout abdomen? :noway: woow i have lost 24 and thats still my problem area:sad: Congratss keep it goin
greattt job another round and you should b set :drinker:
took me 3 mths to lose 24 lbs and thats 3 mths of working out 6 days a week
Absolutely commendable!!! you have reallly done a fantastic job at losing the weight.. 10 thumbs up. Hope to post my before and afters soon am only 15 lbs away and this is great motivation for me
thanksss when am don the BBL for the month will surely switch to this one
Thanks Cmeade.. whats bridges? the others i am familiar with.. a lotta them found in the Brazilian Butt lift workouts
soo inspireing for me thank you for posting . you look awesome.. seems u kept ur butt unlike me :sad: mine is goin with my weightloss. just finishing week 1 of phase 2 on JMBR love your results
congrats on moving.. I plateaued too and then i changed my workout and lost 3 lbs that week
I am presently doin JMBR and 1 week ago added Brazillian Butt lift.. i am hoping it works cause as i lose weight i realize am losing my buttt.. waiting to see the responses u get here
keep goin.. every day you keep at it is another day you lose a few calories which adds up to lbss !!! good job
I am about finishing week 1 of phase 2 and i have gone form a plateau of 174.10 down to 165.1 yayyyyy!!!! totallly broke through my plateau. My stomach is flatter than i can remember it. still big but PROGRESSS .. and am not even following her diet plan still doin my eat right for your type instead. I am loving it month 1…
congratsss thats always the best reason to get rid of clothes because they are TOO big :D
I did insanity 2yrs ago and damaged my knees and as a result lost my 18 lbs progress and even gained an extra 3 lbs.. I just started JMBR a wk ago after doing thread mil for 2.5 mths and lost 15 lbs with that but then plateaued. After just 1 week i already lost 2 lbs. I agree it starts out slow and i feel like i can do…