

  • I understand! I feel the same! I just say move and exercise when you can and eat healthy and don't give up! I'll send a friend request (others can send me one). I'm a married mom of 4 and have had fibro for over 20 years.
  • I figure I hurt everyday. When I can, I work out, but I also allow myself time to rest. You must rest on bad days to get thru the other days.
  • 25 in 2 months is NOT healthy. 2 pounds a week is the MOST you should aim to lose.
  • My doctor has told me you burn as many calories running a mile as you do walking it at a mile, just generally people that run get more milage done because they are faster. With just starting I'd stick to walking and using an ellipitcal, which mimics running. Actually the ellipitcal is my favorite thing to use, but mix it…
  • I'm from Arkansas. I rarely get on the computer (use phone app) and you can't go to the message boards on there but feel free to add me as a friend.
    in New to group Comment by mstifb May 2014
  • I'm in a similar boat and will send you a request.
  • I'm in a similar boat. I had lost 45 of the 80-100 I wanted to lose and then gained it all back so I'm starting over too.
  • Thanks everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Well with Halloween tomorrow - my final report is I'm at 182. Didn't get down to the 177 but I'm lower than 192! So can't complain! How did everyone else do?? :smooched:
  • I haven't found the milk yet. Anyone have the link for the hungry girl cookbook?
  • Sounds pretty good!!
  • No, but like them better than squats and lunges. But I have to do the knee kind most of the time. Plank is hard too. But I can't stand the squat or lunge, which I still can't do properly! :angry:
  • It depends on how much you have to lose. How long did it take you to lose 10? The MOST anyone should aim to lose is 2 pounds a week. But knowing how much you need to lose is important in calculating how much you should aim to lose per week. For instance if a person needs to lose 100, 2 pounds a week is a good goal. If you…
  • I'm just starting and I go to a walk track for my slow jog/walk. I can't do the hills, etc. yet for running on a street and plus with a track you know it's 1/4 mile for 1 lap and if you get tired you're back at your starting point after each lap so you can stop at anytime! I personally don't like the treadmill running. It…
  • ^^Never heard of this place! Sounds like a great idea!! Thanks!! :happy:
  • First of all - LOVE your before/after pic WOW!!! You have done AWESOME!!!!! :drinker: Love the question! I might have to check back with this later for some ideas! I'm going to suggest: Fuel - Metallica Welcome to the Jungle - Guns N Roses (I like hard rock/grunge rock - lots would work) Other songs: Fighter - Christina…
  • ^^I was thinking the same thing! You are a very pretty girl and even with you being 23, you're still a young lady :smile: Congrats on your success!! And like the person who posted above, do make sure you're picky on the guys because I'm sure a lot of them are asking you out! :glasses:
  • I'm trying to start as well but can barely do my squats, etc with the 8 lb weights and can't even lift that 40 pd bar, much less do a bench press with one. So how do I get to that stage since there isn't a bar that weighs less than 40? I don't care if I bulk up a little bit. That's not a concern. My wrists and elbows and…
  • What you see is what you get. I add everything, although I might forget a piece of gum every now and then because I chew gum so much. But basically it's 99.9% accurate. It's a log for me to calculate how many calories or not I've used, not to win a popularity contest. I honestly like accepting positive feedback and/or…
  • Make sure the machine is adjusted to your height. That was my main problem when I first started. On the one I use there is a small wheel and you have to turn it to get the pedals closer together. If it's set for someone taller than you it will be almost impossible to get the hang of it. Ask someone to help you on it!
  • Thanks! :flowerforyou: That's great! I hope to eventually get to the weight you are now! How tall are you? I'm 5 foot 6 inches so I don't know if my goal is realistic or not, but if I get down to 122, I will have lost exactly 100 pounds. I know I definitely want to get to at least 142, and then the last 20 we'll see how it…
  • New update! I'm now 187 so to get to my main goal I need to lose 10 more pounds. Might be close, but maybe I can at least get close to it by Halloween! I already made it past my small goal since I'm under 192!! How is everyone else doing?
  • All that stuff confuses me! I have no idea what mine is or what that means I should do. I have a sedentary job, but I do exercise. For those who may have a clue, I'm 5 foot 6 inches, 189 pounds, 39 years old. I am on a 1200 calorie diet and I eat back my exercise calories, or as close as I can. I don't understand how the…
  • Bet that cocoa would taste great with nutella too - that's a great idea!
  • I've never tried LC but lots of recipes and ideas sounded great, especially this one! Thanks!
  • I need to find veggies I do like, so for me this was a great question. Maybe I'll have the courage to try brussel sprouts one day. I seen some great ideas, but none say how long to cook them or if you can use the frozen kind in these recipes. Anyone have the answers to those?
  • This sounds great!! :drinker:
  • So do you prepare the hot chocolate according to directions and then add the peanut butter?
  • Very nice! I'm 1 inch taller but that's about the weight I want to be! You're picture was very encouraging! Congrats on reaching your goal! :drinker: