This is a mixed website of advice. Yes if you don't want to gain "weight" don't load up on protein too much. Remember muscle weights on average 1.6 times the same mass of fat. That doesn't mean tho by loading up on protein you wont get slimier! I am currently working out 6 times a week and cutting back. I have lost weight…
I actually have started doing it in the morning. (first thing) I have found that it helps me keep an eye of my weight especially if i have had a "slip up" aka cheated on my diet the night before. I find it gives me the more determination to work that bit extra off. However everything works differently for each person. Also…
Yes it is 15 min's of Cardio but on top level of the cross trainer . If i work the cross trainer any harder it will fall apart lol I also walk approximately 3 miles per day. I am aiming to get my cardio up to 30 min's 6 times a week over the next two weeks. How much cardio is class a reasonable tho?