

  • I went to that website and it says my intake should be 1751 and burned cals should be 292 netting to around 1459 or 500 below my TDEE...but my question now is does my body burn those 292 in everyday activity or do I need to reduce the cal intake to 1459 since I do not intend to do much excercise as of now?
  • I'll add more of you when the system lets me! What's up with this "you can't request more than 5 friends in 10 minutes" or whatever that pop-up said?!?
  • Thanks everyone!!! Just what I need to keep on track tonight :)
  • Hi Bud! Here's to hoping logging our food intake will work for the both of us!
    in Hello Comment by ChandlerLeah June 2012
  • Hi Donnalee! There are some things that you just can't explain, one of things being why I just added you as a friend since I know you only as far as what I can tell from your post. That being said, I figure since we both just joined MFP (OK-excluding your 2008 sign up) we can try and help each other stay on track together.…
  • Thanks! Currently my workouts are non existent. I think for now I'm going to focus on eating right, once I'm consistent with that I'll add the workouts back. I think my failure in the past has been a result of trying to start out to fast/to do much up front and then getting discouraged when I didn't see immediate results.…