

  • No, I treat MFP in pretty much exactly the same way.
  • The calories may be the same, but I would think that a solid food diet - particularly if it contained lots of fresh foods (fruit and veges) is probably going to be better for your gut and digestion, as you do need "roughage" to keep your bowel moving and make you less prone to bowel cancer and other nasties. If you are…
  • If this is only your first week, I wouldn't be worrying too much. As others have said it could be fluid, time of the month, or any of the other things you have suggested. I'd wait another couple of weeks, and you keep losing at that rate, then look at changing something. You might need to keep a check on the thyroid…
  • Work out the calorie count well in advance. Figure out how much you want to have and stick with it. Add in a good sized portion of salad as well, then you have something to keep eating while everyone else is having their 5th slice of pizza or second beer. Have a glass of water beside you as well as the beer, and alternate…
  • I've been there, done that too. One question - do you still drink coffee? My experience was that I needed to cut out both coffee (and other high caffeine drinks) and cigarettes at the same time. If I didn't, I either kept getting the cigarette cravings, or wanted to compensate in some way (sugary foods usually). I probably…
  • Have you actually measured your glass of wine? I just ask because glass sizes have got an awful lot bigger over the years, and you may be taking in up to twice as much as you think you are in that one glass. You do need to measure it in mls and make sure that the calorie count that you record is accurate. Same goes for…
    in Alcohol Comment by earthwitch July 2012
  • Yes, me too. Living in the north of Scotland (though not from there originally). I can't believe how easy it is to record the calorie count of foods. Every other time I tried calorie counting it was such a nightmare looking up everything in a book, and weighing or measuring. This site just makes it so easy. I finding that…
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