Here's today's IMFQ: Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, on your powers instead of your problems. -- Paul J. Meyer Have a safe, wonderful and healthy day!
- did everything go?
Good Morning Everyone! Here's today's IMFQ: Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness. – Edward Stanley As always...Let's stay motivated! Get those bodies moving! Have a safe, wonderful and healthy day!
GARDEN GREEN SMOOTHIE - Makes 32 oz 12 oz filtered water 1 handful of spinach 2 kale or collard leaves (stems removed) ½ tomato ½ medium carrot ½ apple ½ celery stalk 1 romaine lettuce leaf 1 Swiss chard lettuce leaf Dash cayenne pepper Dash sea salt 1 tbsp of fresh lemon juice
TROPICAL GREEN SMOOTHIE - Makes 64 oz 12 oz filtered water or coconut water 1 handful of spinach 2 kale or collard leaves (stems removed) 1 mango 1 medium carrot 1 pear or apple (I use Granny Smith apples) 1 c fresh pineapple 3 pieces of fresh ginger 1 tbsp alfalfa sprouts 1 handful mixed berries (can be gritty) or…
Good Morning Everyone! Check out today's IMFQ: Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. -- Lance Armstrong Keep the momentum going! Have a safe, wonderful and healthy day!
I ran my first (and only) 1/2 marathon in 2009. The few pieces of advice I can give you is whatever you do, KEEP YOUR ARMS UP AND MOVING. If you keep your arms moving your legs will follow. Drink water at EVERY water station...even if you're not thirsty...just take a sip and keep it moving. Don't listen to the little man…
Just found this really neat tool called the Recipe Calculator. You input the ingredients of your favorite recipe and it calculates all of the nutrition information (i.e., calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, carbs, protein, etc.). Here's the link:
Dr. Oz's Butt Busting Brownies! If you think brownies are off-limits when you’re trying to get fit, think again! This no-bake brownie is not your typical dessert. The cayenne revs up your metabolism to get your body moving and the cinnamon helps process sugar intake, which helps keep fat from being absorbed into your…
Good Morning Everyone! Here's today's IMFQ: Losing weight is easy. Being motivated enough to do so then sticking with it through completion is the hard part. --Jurine Lewis Let's stay motivated! Get those bodies moving! Have a safe, wonderful and healthy day!
Hi Nikocan, Whenever I lose site of the big picture, I look at my before picture and think about what I felt like when I wasn't on the road to a fit and healthy lifestyle. I was sluggish, didn't want to go out much because of the way I looked. Create a photo journal of where you were and where you are. Whenever you lose a…
Hi caffrec! Thank you so much for joining the group. If you ever have anything you want to share with the group, please feel free!
1) My top motivator is hearing about so many people my age it friends, acquaintances or celebrities. 2) Not being able to fit into my clothes. I have a TON of clothes with TAGS STILL ON THEM that I am DETERMINED to get into!!! 3) Activities. I love sports and dancing....can't play sports or dance too long if…