

  • Rebecca I know it is hard! My doctor sad that people who crave carbs is the equivalent of an alcoholic craving alcohol! I find that eating carbs actually makes my mood change! I get depressed and sluggish and have NO energy! Exercising helps a lot too. You feel better and clean and it honestly helps! If you crave carbs…
  • Thanks everyone, really helpful! I too loooove beef jerky! lol. I try to eat a lot of whole grain and I know there is a bread that is extremely low carb, I will have to find the name of it, it's pretty good too. Weird texture but still pretty good when you can't really have breads lol. OH! And Condiments that are suuuper…
  • Ok here is one of my faaaavorite recipes! Jamaican Jerk Pork or Chicken -4 boneless pork loin/chicken breast -any Jamaican or Caribbean seasoning -cinnamon -olive oil Cover the meat on both sides with jerk seasoning, be careful, it is spicy, so add to your specific taste. Sprinkle cinnamon lightly over each side Heat olive…
  • Thanks for the info! I loooove bread personally but it's like ok, if I eat this I have to cut out this, this, and this today...it SUCKS!! But thanks sooo much I can't wait to try it!!
  • Good job on the loss Wftiger!! Thanks for the info on the noodles...I haven't heard much about them so thanks for that. Glad I didn't waste my money haha
  • Ok, so I have been getting a lot of questions on 'Digestible carbs' and regular carbs. To figure out the digestible carbs you take the fiber minus the carbohydrates and then what you have left is the digestible carbs. Like if there are 25 carbs in a bagel and 5 grams of fiber, the amount of digestible carbs are 20grams. If…
  • Julia I hope you get better! Type 2 diabetes is no joke! My father in law lost both legs and has had 4 transplants and is on the list for another pancreas. If you stick to this diet not only will you lose weight but 9 times out of 10 the diabetes just goes away. I have also found that sparkling water curbs my soda…
  • O yea! I forgot! There is a sauce that goes GREAT on almost anything and is ONLY 9 carbs for a 1/3 cup!! It is Seeds of Change-Korma Simmer Sauce. There are about 4 or 5 different kinds but I personally love the Coconut and Cream sauce because it has a mild curry flavor to it and goes AMAZING on any meat or tofu mixed with…
  • Love all of the feed back, and yes it was sooooooo hard for me to take it easy on bread but honestly I LOOOVE bagel thins, 100% whole wheat ones toasted with low sodium turkey and vegan cheese is AMAZING! It's like a healthy melt. SOOO delicious! And thanks for the add, yes please do let me know how the noodles are!!!
  • I have anxiety too and I get them while working out too because of my increased heart rate. Here are some things I take for anxiety that are all natural and work almost immediately. Lemon Balm, Lavender, Passiflora, and St John’s Wort. I find that St. John's Wort works best for me but everyone is different. I would try…
  • OMG you look awesome girl!!! Keep it up you look HAWWTT!!