

  • Hi. Particularly add me if you use Fitbit And myfitnesspal, but if you just use myfitnesspal and are committed and will support; I'll return the favour. I've lost 62lbs and have about 15lbs to go!
  • I find fitbit says you only burn a very low amount of calories and gives me about half of the calories that some other apps say I have burnt. It's hard to know which is accurate as some other apps use gps which my fitbit zip does not. Also because I work nights 4 nights a week, I have problems recording my exercise as I…
  • With the fit bit zip, how do you get the data from the fitbit onto your computer if you don't have a compatible device (e.g. I have the iPad 1 and an iPhone 3 and it says syncing is with newer models. Is there a way to get data onto your computer without this "syncing"?
  • Why Are there so many different types? How do I know which one to buy?
  • I use my cross trainer at home whenever I can. I can't get to the gym now with my baby to look after so only really get to exercise if he's sleeping. I would pay out for a tummy-tuck but I might have another kid in a year or so, so the money would be wasted :(
  • Hi, I'm Donna from Gillingham, got another 2 stones to lose before I'm happy!
  • I understand your problem precisely. When people say "this should be a way of life" my response is "no, I don't want to be stuck on 1200 calories for the rest of my life. When I achieve a desirable weight I will be on a desirable number of calories more like 1900 or 2000 which will be ALOT easier to live with". You need to…