

  • Welcome! so exciting! I've been on MFP for almost a year now and was getting blasé about it. I'd reached my goal weight and then started getting sloppy after hurting my knee running and had to cut back on exercise. Your enthusiasm and positive energy gives me encouragement to get "back on the wagon" and try harder. Just a…
  • I just had TJ's White Bean Hummus and it was so goood! I get my Ginger Chews there and chocolate.
  • That's why I am still here after reaching my weight goal. I appreciate the support and am motivated by keeping track of what i eat and exercise. I am afraid if I stop monitoring, I'll quickly gain back the weight! I am looking for the "right" 1/2 marathon and marathon over this next year to do. I like how MFP monitors…
  • Doesn't P90X target that kind of fitness? It develops muscles and strength, but not to the point of bulk.
  • Having an open diary is what is motivating me to stick to my goals! Feel free (anyone) to add me. I'm near my goal weight, but feel the pressure to keep up the diary to maintain.
  • Sensible is key. If you don't have tons to lose, they can probably safely be done at the same time.
  • "Hey there! I'm training for an Oct marathon and am following Hal Higdon's novice 1 plan. Was supposed to have done my first one in April but had a nasty bout of tedonitis which put my plans on hold. All is good now though and am back on track having done a steady 12 miler at the weekend. Only problem I'm having is trying…
  • I was hoping to do a 1/2 marathon by August and a marathon by October, but I only want to do trail runs and they are all too hilly for me. I found a nice one that I hope will work--the Ft. Steilacoom race in Lakewood, WA. Anyone done that? My plans have slowed a bit since I got plantar faciitis, so maybe I'll be ready by…