

  • Are you drinking enough water? It helps your body in so many ways and I feel less hungry if I drink lots of water. Also, no judgement or anything... but vegetables? And some fruit? (just looked at a couple of your diary entries) I believe mindset is also a big part of losing weight. Love yourself! Just the way you are!…
  • Make your own grain free pizza!?! These are great: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/personal-portobello-pizza/ And you can customize 'm to your own taste :)
  • @braveheartfit : Hi! Sorry for the late reply - I'm not so great at this part of MFP... The gelatin helps me a lot, because I stay full a lot longer than when I don't put some protein in my smoothie. I also really like the idea that it is a natural product instead of proteinpowder which always makes me wonder what's in it.…
  • Hi! My coach told me to put a teaspoon of gelatin (powder) in my smoothies or even in my tea to add more protein to my diet. It may sound weird, but it does actually help... Just drink the drinks soon after preparing them otherwise you'll end up with tea jello ;)
  • Hi there! How long have you been on your plateau? Because I've been on mine for over 4 weeks before I started to lose weight again. And maybe you are pushing yourself too hard? Could it be your body is in what mfp calls 'starvation mode'? Try eating a little bit more for a couple of days/weeks, like 1440 cals a day and…
    in Plateau? Comment by FlowmO October 2012
  • Hey! You should check out this blog: http://rabbitfoodformybunnyteeth.com/ It has amazing recipes to add more veggies to your diet!