

  • I'm going to need a tummy tuck so I will give myself this procedure as my gift to myself.
  • The G.I. Handbook How the Glycemic Index works explains the difference between a simple carb. (sugar/flour) is different from a complex carb (apple) and I find it helpful. My body does not respond to, " a calorie is a calorie method." Probably because my metabolism is shot and my old age has caused changes in everything. I…
  • Thank you for your inspiration. Do you count calories? If so, how do you eat enough calories?
  • Peanut butter such as Jiff has sugar. Some brands list sugar as the second ingredient. I don't eat it for that reason. As far as fats go, I stay with the healthier fats. Thanks for asking about the ratio's because I was searching for the same info.
  • I went on a 7 day juice fast, mostly vegetables and water. I did not exercise that week. It gave my internal organs a rest and allowed them to detox. Fasting is an ancient practice and common in almost all religions. I used the following book: Juice Fasting & Detoxification by Steve Meyerowitz Good Luck
  • Go to the link below to see Dr. Oz green drink recipe. I believe he puts his veggies in a vitamix . Therefore, his values will include the fiber. Here is a little clip: Vegetable & Herb Nutrition The vegetables and herbs in the Green Drink provide approximately: 98 calories, 8 g of protein, 10 g of fiber, 135 mg of vitamin…
  • I juice veggies every morning and avoid fruit. I will add a beet or carrot for sweetness. I am unable to find anything credible for determining the caloric intake. Therefore, I log 100 calories for one cup and 200 calories for two cups. It is not scientific, just a guess. I am also growing and eating microgreens such as…
  • I am eating a raw diet and I feel great. I juice veggies everyday. I limit my fructose (fruit) intake. Fructose is linked to fatty liver, gout, diabetes, and decrease in longevity. I eat a lot of sprouts and supplement with chlorella, B/G algae, spirulina, and nuts and seeds. I am not concerned about being "underweight."
  • Amanda, Hi. I'll be happy to support you. If you would like to cut something out of your diet, don't buy it or have it in the house. If you took a peek into my refrigerator right now, there are only bags of veggies and washed greens, garlic, ginger etc. I have a juicer and I make a batch of green drink everyday. I put a…
  • Another suggestion is to go to www.meetup.com and find a local meetup vegan/vegetarian group to join. I just joined a raw food meetup and met a bunch of really nice people. We get together every month. Debbie
  • Hey, I'm a raw vegan since Jan 1st. I used to be raw vegan in 2010. I attended the Hippocrates Health Institute for 3 weeks and learned so much about nutrition. I'll be happy to be your pal. Debbie
  • 1/2 of an avacado will provide approx. 400 calories and loads of nutrients.
  • Hey there, Here is how I prepare sprouted lentils. Soak 1/3 of your bag of lentils in water overnight. Anytime the next day drain the lentils in a strainer and leave them in the strainer but cover them with a towel. Run water on them twice a day until they grow a small tail. (a couple of days) That's it. Put them in a…
  • Watermelon Fit and Active makes Caramel rice snacks (Aldi distributes) 8 mini cakes are 60 calories. I like to put peanut butter on them with a cup of coffee.
  • I do not agree that milk and other dairy products are healthy foods. I base my decision on the following study: The China Study of the title is taken from the China-Cornell-Oxford Project, a 20-year study that began in 1983 and was conducted jointly by the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Cornell University, and the…
  • I suggest eliminating regular table salt and replacing it with Himilayan Salt. Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt contains the full spectrum of 84 minerals and trace elements just like Mother Earth intended. It is an unrefined, unprocessed "raw" salt that's hand-mined from abundant salt caves that were formed 250 million years…