Thanks, yeah I saw that I offended someone and I didn't think I actually did. But I like to apologize and decided to say something just in case i offended someone. But anyways thanks again :D And will do.
Yo don't give up! BTW You look amazing, doesn't seem you need to lose weight. But we all have our reasons. And Hey just keep up what your doing you'll get to that certain goal. It just takes time and money. :) Keep in contact. You seem like your about the same age as me so it'll be fun to talk to someone like me.
And I did not make fun of old people and stuff.I'm just saying as you get older, you grow up, you have kids, etc... you begin making excuses, that you begin to think your not capable of doing certain things. When in fact you are capable. I'm sorry once again if i offended anyone. I'm just here telling my story and I for…
Sorry, I haven't made fun of anyone because of their weight/appearance. ETC. I know how it feels to be called a "fatass" and that was when I was young. Sorry if you took what I said wrong. I was calling myself a hypocrite. I would never call someone that in person so why would I insult someone on the internet. I'm sorry…
Yeah I want to do that cause it just interested me. And I thought, why not do it. Before I get old. So yeah that's my goal is to get down to 210 and being able to experience this. This and other extreme stuff. IDK what hit this interest in extreme things but that annoying saying. YOLO. You Only Live Once. It's True. Thanks…
Yeah I want to do that cause it just interested me. And I thought, why not do it. Before I get old. So yeah that's my goal is to get down to 210 and being able to experience this. This and other extreme stuff. IDK what hit this interest in extreme things but that annoying saying. YOLO. You Only Live Once. It's True. Also…
I know It just interest me. I want to do things like skydiving, and bungie jumping, extreme things. Before its too late and before I turn old. I have the time now. If it wasn't for the weight limit being 210 I would so go for it now. But I'm working on that. I think that's whats making me want to lose weight, that, and…
Thanks for the Help and the encouragement :D