syvret Member


  • Thanks for all of the feedback. I will definitely look at the upper end of the range for me. I am somewhat big boned (size 13 feet, XL glove size, most hats don't fit well unless they are the XL version). Damm I sound like a mutant. I will set 210lb as my interim goal and work to/from there.
  • Down 0.9, but that follows a week where I was down 4.9, so I can live with it. Started a lifting program this week and hope to see weight loss coupled with muscle gain over the weeks. Makes it tougher, but makes it even better.
  • I have a hand held "Fat Loss Monitor" (Omron) that will be good enough to give me an idea about where I am. I have only lost 6 lbs on my latest trek, but it registered a small loss in body fat precentage. I don't need an absolutely accurate measure of my body fat, just a gentle reminder that I am heading in the right…
  • Down 4.9 pounds - first week back on after many months off (and following an uninhibited 3 weeks of UK vacation), so I expected a big loss first week. Speadsheet didn't fill in other cells when I entered my weight. Seems to be missing some commands in some cells. Thanks.
  • Little late starting, but could you add me to the spreadsheet. Too many fails, need some goals and encouragement. Thanks, Syvret