jannarciso Member


  • I'm also doing Paleo. Meat is very filling, and you should still watch your portions. As far as vegetables, they are very low in calories, so not an issue. While losing weight, we should avoid starchy vegetables (sweet potato and winter squashes), as they can stall weight loss. So you are left with a lot of green…
  • Water and I not the best of friends. Actually, I would love to do water aerobics, but the class takes place at the time I am working, so no go. I have joined a gym, I just have to get up and go! With the constant snow storms we have been getting, I lose my momentum in going (I am NOT a fan of snow). I WILL do it! I WILL go!
  • Congratulations on your successes, Poohbah4! While I am not a Senior Citizen in your eyes (I am 53 yo), my health is that of one. You have given me the incentive to get busy taking care of me. I have 4 out of 5 markers for Metabolic Syndrome (my BP is the only thing in a normal range). I use bone on bone arthritis in my…