

  • 1300 calories in one hour of P90X is possible... Did you spend the entire workout breathing heavily, dripping sweat, etc? If not, I would question those numbers. If it felt like you were pushing yourself to your limit, then yeah I would probably trust them more or less. I don't really like the calorie numbers that my…
  • Just to be clear: if you have an equal VOLUME of fat and muscle, the muscle will weigh more. If you have an equal WEIGHT of fat and muscle, the fat will take up more space. The simple way to say this is that muscle has a greater DENSITY than fat.
  • The general rule is if you want to increase muscle tone, do low weight for many reps. If you want to gain muscle size, do a lot of weight for only a few reps. The trick is that your muscles should be struggling at the end of the set no matter what. If you can pick up a 2 lb weight at do a set of 50 without breaking a…
  • The US Fish and Wildlife Service disagrees with you. Check out: http://www.fws.gov/pacific/ecoservices/envicon/pim/reports/contaminantinfo/contaminants.html There are MANY, MANY chemicals (pesticides, plasticisers, industrial chemicals) that are soluble in lipids (fat). That means that in living organisms, they accumulate…
    in Toxins Comment by daa5849 January 2011
  • I have had this experience also. Drink TONS of water and it will help alleviate your symptoms. Hopefully after a couple days you will feel like a million bucks. If you still feel funny after a couple of days, see a doctor. And remember that it is always good to go over any new diet and exercise plan with your doctor before…
    in Toxins Comment by daa5849 January 2011
  • As someone who has spent 8 straight hours standing at work, I would say that it DEFINITELY counts as exercise! The simple fact is that it takes more energy to stand than to sit. Expending energy= burning calories, simple as that.
  • So it sounds like everyone here is in one of two camps: you either absolutely love ground turkey and use it for everything, or something seems "off", didn't like it, etc. I personally really enjoy using ground turkey, but I can totally empathise with the people in the second camp, especially because I am an unabashed red…
  • As has already been mentioned above, do NOT eat anything that has been heated up in a ziplock bag. There is some really nasty stuff in plastic (even at room temperature), but it gets far worse as you heat it up. Don't heat up food in ziplock bags, plastic tupperware, styrofoam containers, etc. On a related note, do NOT…