fluffyduck2004 Member


  • everyone is different, 2lb wouldnt be noticeable but i recently put on 5lb in 2 weeks whilst on holiday and ive noticed it a little on my face (back on diet from today so wont be long til its back off again)
  • i usuall have a sandwich either meat, tuna etc with some salad, i use hovis nimble bread its only about 55 cals a slice so really low, sometimes i might have a bag of crisps too
  • i weigh once a week on a monday morning b4 i have breakfast or get dressed, i dont weigh more often as your weight can go up 2-3lb during the day with your usual daily activity, i have in the past weighed a day early and the scales have lied and told me ive gained lol then i weigh on my usual day and ive actually lost so…
  • its confusing isnt it, i am thinking about getting of of those heart rate monitors but dont know much about them i read on argos reviews they are accurate so dont know if its worth getting one or not now
  • ive just fnished day 5 of level 1. just wondering when entering it on the exercise section as circuit training, do you enter it was 20mins or 30mins? as its meant to be 20min workout but from the time of starting the warm it it takes 30mins so ive been entering 30min but not sure if im doing right lol (20mins is 190 cals…
  • Hi Everyone My dvd arrived in the post this am so ive just completed day 1 of level 1 :-)
  • ive just ordered this dvd so hoping amazon will get it to be this week, anyone know does it tell you how many cals you are burning or if theres an entry for it on mfp exercise section?
  • I became really thirsty all the time and started gaining weight very rapidly so my dr did blood tests and they came back that my sugar levels where too high.
  • sorry cant help you on this one, its taken me 2 months to convince my hubby to join me and he finally signed up yesterday :-) once your hubby sees mfp is working for you hopefully he will join you, also well done on your 5lb weight loss xx
  • Hi Ive been using MFP since end of jan , i did wight watchers for a while last year but found i wasnt sticking to it as i should and was wasting my money then i heard about MFP being free to joined up :-)
  • Im not a big breakfast eater so i usually just have a bowl of mixed fruit :-)