putting on weight?

i just wanted to know if someone was to gain 2lbs or 5lbs would it be visible?? would it go straight to the belly area?? or just make you look alot fatter than when u were minus those pounds???


  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    When I put 5 pounds, nobody else noticed except myself because I knew how my pants fit...
    As far as where that weigh goes, it really depends. For me it's all on the thighs. I'm a very typical pear-shapered person. :(
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Did you gain it within a short amount of time? It's probably water weight and wouldn't be noticeable except you might feel bloated. I don't normally notice if I lost weight unless its 10lbs or more, so might be the same for gaining depending on your body.
  • fluffyduck2004
    fluffyduck2004 Posts: 12 Member
    everyone is different, 2lb wouldnt be noticeable but i recently put on 5lb in 2 weeks whilst on holiday and ive noticed it a little on my face (back on diet from today so wont be long til its back off again)
  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    Every body wears weight differently. Someone who is 95 pounds is probably more likely to notice the weight than someone who is 140 pounds or 200 even. Some people have complained that every ounce goes straight to one spot.. double chin.. belly.. backside.. thighs. I usually don't notice 5 pounds one way or the other but more than that will start to get my attention.