Type 2 Diabetes

RoniDoll Posts: 262
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
If you have type 2 diabetes what were your first symptoms before being diagnosed? Reason I'm asking is because I am going to the doctor early next month for a check-up and I am concerned. My body has been acting strange and it seems to only do that when I have eaten processed sugar. I was feeling like this a few months ago befor I started dieting but I seem to feel fine when I keep my sugar intake low. Thanks for y’alls help.


  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    From when I worked at the hospital I learned that most people start to experience a tingling sensation or numbness of the feet. A friend of mine went partially blind in one eye.
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    You could just be pre-diabetic so that's why he looks at you strange.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    aside from the obvious thirst.....rash or hives, esp on the hands and feet.
    many people have dark pigmentation at the neck, as well.
    belly fat is the biggest indicator.
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    I was thinking pre-diabetic but from what I have read, alot of pre-diabetics don't show symptoms? I could be wrong about that though. I have had slight tingleing and numbness in my toes but it seems to do that only when I'm working out...
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    aside from the obvious thirst.....rash or hives, esp on the hands and feet.
    many people have dark pigmentation at the neck, as well.
    belly fat is the biggest indicator.

    I do have excessive thirst but only for a few days after I have had sugar. The others I havn't had. Thanks :]
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    You can't get diabetes from eating too much sugar...that's a total myth.

    Anyway the symptoms are as follows (I borrowed the top ones from the mayo clinic site the rest are from personal experience being married to a diabetic):

    * Increased thirst and frequent urination. (They are talking about a constant, unquenchable thirst)
    As excess sugar builds up in your bloodstream, fluid is pulled from the tissues. This may leave you thirsty. As a result, you may drink — and urinate — more than usual. You might even urinate in your sleep.

    *Fatigue - If your cells are deprived of sugar, you may become tired and irritable.

    * Blurred vision - If your blood sugar is too high, fluid may be pulled from the lenses of your eyes. This may affect your ability to focus clearly.

    * Slow-healing sores or frequent infections - Type 2 diabetes affects your ability to heal and resist infections.

    Others to keep in mind:

    * Feeling shaky or wobbly

    * Feelings of confusion

    * Slurred speech

    * Your breath will smell fruity when blood sugars are really high
  • fluffyduck2004
    fluffyduck2004 Posts: 12 Member
    I became really thirsty all the time and started gaining weight very rapidly so my dr did blood tests and they came back that my sugar levels where too high.
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Because it can sneak up on you, you may not notice any symptoms. Poor eye or blurry vision, frequent urination, tired, tingling in the legs or feet and being thirsty.

    Follow this link as it may help you. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/diabetes-symptoms/DA00125

    Best wishes. I was diagnosed a year ago. Add me as a friend if you wish. If I can help anytime I will.
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    You can't get diabetes from eating too much sugar...that's a total myth.

    Anyway the symptoms are as follows (I borrowed them from the mayo clinic site):

    * Increased thirst and frequent urination. (They are talking about a constant, unquenchable thirst)
    As excess sugar builds up in your bloodstream, fluid is pulled from the tissues. This may leave you thirsty. As a result, you may drink — and urinate — more than usual. You might even urinate in your sleep.

    *Fatigue - If your cells are deprived of sugar, you may become tired and irritable.

    * Blurred vision - If your blood sugar is too high, fluid may be pulled from the lenses of your eyes. This may affect your ability to focus clearly.

    * Slow-healing sores or frequent infections - Type 2 diabetes affects your ability to heal and resist infections.

    Others to keep in mind:

    Feeling shaky or wobbly

    Feelings of confusion

    Slurred speech

    Your breath will smell fruity when blood sugars are really high

    I was obese as a child and anorexic as a teen... I have had a history of eating disorders and a very poor high fat and high sugar diet. also type 2 diabetes runs through my family... I don't appreciate your ballsy comment. And I have read tons of stuff off the internet I was just looking for real people with diabetes opinions.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I was obese as a child and anorexic as a teen... I have had a history of eating disorders and a very poor high fat and high sugar diet. also type 2 diabetes runs through my family... I don't appreciate your ballsy comment. And I have read tons of this off the internet I was just looking for real people with diabetes opinions.

    I'm sorry? I don't see a ballsy comment in there..I see some symptoms of what to look for. My wife is a type 1 diabetic and my dad is a type 2. People have tried to tell them they got it because they ate too much sugar and every endocrinologist we have seen completely disagrees. You need to calm down and stop acting like a know-it-all because you read a few internet articles.
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    Because it can sneak up on you, you may not notice any symptoms. Poor eye or blurry vision, frequent urination, tired, tingling in the legs or feet and being thirsty.

    Follow this link as it may help you. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/diabetes-symptoms/DA00125

    Best wishes. I was diagnosed a year ago. Add me as a friend if you wish. If I can help anytime I will.

    Thank you :] I do have most of the symptoms :/ Honestly I wont be suprised if I do test positive for diabetes. it sucks because I am only 21! lol
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    I dont think he was trying to be rude with the sugar comment, lots of people think eating sugar can cause diabetes and that when you have it you cant have sugar any longer which isnt the case at all. How your body uses and responds to sugar is the issue.
    The things he listed are key things to watch for, if it runs in your family then and your concerned go get blood work done. Thats the only true way to find out. For me when my sugars are low I shake sweat get dizzy and feel unwell, when my sugars are to high I feel sick to my stomach and most times get sick from it. When they are low I get pains in my legs too when high I get very sleepy.
    I am a type 2 been living with this for 8 years now, so any questions just ask
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    I was obese as a child and anorexic as a teen... I have had a history of eating disorders and a very poor high fat and high sugar diet. also type 2 diabetes runs through my family... I don't appreciate your ballsy comment. And I have read tons of this off the internet I was just looking for real people with diabetes opinions.

    I'm sorry? I don't see a ballsy comment in there..I see some symptoms of what to look for. My wife is a type 1 diabetic and my dad is a type 2. People have tried to tell them they got it because they ate too much sugar and every endocrinologist we have seen completely disagrees. You need to calm down and stop acting like a know-it-all because you read a few internet articles.

    I never said that sugar caused it maybe if you actually read what I posted you would see that... I was saying I feel like crap after I ate sugar... And if I was a "know it all" would I really be posting this topic???? No... I am asking for REAL PEOPLES eperience becuase I have read stuff on the internet...
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Hypoglycemics is something else that you can feel totally gross when you eat sugar, do you crave sugar cause my dad does all the time and when he eats it it messes him up for days
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    You can't get diabetes from eating too much sugar...that's a total myth.

    Anyway the symptoms are as follows (I borrowed them from the mayo clinic site):

    * Increased thirst and frequent urination. (They are talking about a constant, unquenchable thirst)
    As excess sugar builds up in your bloodstream, fluid is pulled from the tissues. This may leave you thirsty. As a result, you may drink — and urinate — more than usual. You might even urinate in your sleep.

    *Fatigue - If your cells are deprived of sugar, you may become tired and irritable.

    * Blurred vision - If your blood sugar is too high, fluid may be pulled from the lenses of your eyes. This may affect your ability to focus clearly.

    * Slow-healing sores or frequent infections - Type 2 diabetes affects your ability to heal and resist infections.

    Others to keep in mind:

    Feeling shaky or wobbly

    Feelings of confusion

    Slurred speech

    Your breath will smell fruity when blood sugars are really high

    I was obese as a child and anorexic as a teen... I have had a history of eating disorders and a very poor high fat and high sugar diet. also type 2 diabetes runs through my family... I don't appreciate your ballsy comment. And I have read tons of stuff off the internet I was just looking for real people with diabetes opinions.
    Type two diabetes is not hereditary. It is caused by a lifestyle that is hereditary. Eating food doesn't cause diabetes but it does cause diabetic symtoms.

    Frequest thirst, frequent urination, rash, hives, and blurry vision.

    You are correct that a lot of the prediabetic symtoms like the first two go unoticed, but by the time you get to the blurry vision you usually have diabetes.
    The numbness in you feet are probably due to the exercising. I get those when I use the elliptical after about 40 min or so.

    the good thing about it is you are getting it checked and with the diet and exercise is it can be highly managable. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant and it was able to be controlled by diet. I did notice I felt horrible when I ate food high in sugar. I just felt blah and thirsty and lethargic. When I checked my sugar while feeling like that it was always high.
    They should send you to a nutrionist and you will get a lot of good info, if you do test with high sugar.

    Best wishes to you.
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    Hypoglycemics is something else that you can feel totally gross when you eat sugar, do you crave sugar cause my dad does all the time and when he eats it it messes him up for days

    Yes that sounds like me! I will look that up as well... thanks :0)
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    I dont think he was trying to be rude with the sugar comment, lots of people think eating sugar can cause diabetes and that when you have it you cant have sugar any longer which isnt the case at all. How your body uses and responds to sugar is the issue.
    The things he listed are key things to watch for, if it runs in your family then and your concerned go get blood work done. Thats the only true way to find out. For me when my sugars are low I shake sweat get dizzy and feel unwell, when my sugars are to high I feel sick to my stomach and most times get sick from it. When they are low I get pains in my legs too when high I get very sleepy.
    I am a type 2 been living with this for 8 years now, so any questions just ask

    I will go and get some blood work done. I feel the same way when my blood sugar drops and the other day I actually passed out
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    Type two diabetes is not hereditary. It is caused by a lifestyle that is hereditary. Eating food doesn't cause diabetes but it does cause diabetic symtoms.

    Frequest thirst, frequent urination, rash, hives, and blurry vision.

    You are correct that a lot of the prediabetic symtoms like the first two go unoticed, but by the time you get to the blurry vision you usually have diabetes.
    The numbness in you feet are probably due to the exercising. I get those when I use the elliptical after about 40 min or so.

    the good thing about it is you are getting it checked and with the diet and exercise is it can be highly managable. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant and it was able to be controlled by diet. I did notice I felt horrible when I ate food high in sugar. I just felt blah and thirsty and lethargic. When I checked my sugar while feeling like that it was always high.
    They should send you to a nutrionist and you will get a lot of good info, if you do test with high sugar.

    Best wishes to you.

    Thanks for the info! :0) very helpful
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member

    Type two diabetes is not hereditary.

    It's not hereditary in the sense that your children are 100% likely to get it...but yes type 2 diabetes is influenced by genetics. Your risk factors go up if you have a parent or sibling with type 2. This really is a cruel disease and I wish there was more funding for it...

    From the mayo clinic:
    Family history. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases if a parent or sibling has type 2 diabetes.

    American Diabetes Association:
    Type 2 Diabetes

    Type 2 diabetes has a stronger genetic basis than type 1, yet it also depends more on environmental factors. Sound confusing? What happens is that a family history of type 2 diabetes is one of the strongest risk factors for getting the disease but it only seems to matter in people living a Western lifestyle.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    I'm a type 2 diabetic, I was diagnosed in 2006. I had no symptoms prior to being diagnosed, the only indicator for me was my obesity. That's why they call diabetes the silent killer because some of the symptoms go unnoticed or maybe you don't have any symptoms (like me). I think it's great you're getting tested, the numbers don't lie and the doctor will be able to determine by your test results.
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