bulvatron Member


  • Awesome! Thanks for your story:) I have issues with belly fat as well...I had a baby 15 months ago and I'm having issues not only dropping weight at a steady pace, but also with belly fat.
  • The facts include that coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which are metabolized differently in your body compared to long chain fatty acids, which is in olive oil for example. Different foods and macronutrients go through different metabolic pathways. I don't think you people know what you're talking about.…
  • And yes, she is very large and had the extra 15lbs to lose.
  • Wow. What a bunch of Debbie downers. Thanks for your opinions.
  • I am, in fact, replacing calories with it rather than adding calories. I have talked to some real life people in my everyday life and they swear by it. One woman lost an extra 15lbs along with what she normally loses per month.
  • I'm gonna add you all too! Including you Newbie:) It is best to have a big support system and I love reading success stories and sharing my own! Lets all motivate each other!! Getting Healthy! We bringin' sexy back!