

  • You look amazing! Keep it up.
  • Maybe you can alternate and run four days one week and three the next...always taking one day off in between runs and doing other type of cardio on your "off" days. You can do it!
  • Towel Water bottle Small notepad w/pen Wallet Cell phone iPod Kindle Lock & key for gym locker (just in case I decided to put my things away when I workout) Waist pack w/extra hair bands (just in case I choose to run outdoors). Now that it's cold - sweater and scarf.
  • One more suggestion! I almost forgot about it until my husband mentioned it this weekend. You should try to check out Pali Lookout. It is super windy up there, but the view is amazing and you will get some cool pictures. You will not be there for longer than 15-20 minutes. Here is a website with info/directions:…
  • Definitely check out Diamond Head. It's an inactive volcano and you walk all the way to the top of it. It's a steep, tough walk, but well worth it. The view from up there is amazing. Drive around the entire island and stop off at the North Shore Beach and at the awesome shrimp truck along the way. If you feel like going on…
  • Weight watchers has several lo-cal snacks. Maybe you can stock up before you hit the road! http://www.weightwatchers.com/shop/categoryshowcase.aspx?pageid=1056611
  • I experienced the same issues when I started running again. The best thing to do is to give your knee a break. Run every other day, or every two days. Always listen to your body or your pain may worsen. Make sure you stretch before and after your workout. Good luck with your running goals!
  • Maybe because it is more expensive than other fish (e.g., tuna, mahi mahi).
  • This is sad/bad news. :( I agree about not being able to wear cute boots because they typically run small around the calf area.
  • Two years ago, I purchased the Nike Women's Imara Heart Rate Monitor Watch to have a better idea of how many calories I burn during a workout. It stopped working a few weeks ago! I am buying a new one, but staying away from this model because it has too many features, making it annoying since I only need it to count…
  • Eat them or your body will go into starvation mode. Here is an excerpt from WebMd: "Minimum calorie levels are closer to 1200-1500 daily to satisfy hunger, fuel daily activities, and provide all the nutrients you need for good health each day.When calories consumed are so low or close to starvation level, your body not…
  • My husband and I want to start trying to have a baby next year, but my doctor recommends that I lose weight first. I did warn my husband that if I really like how I look once all the pounds come off, I may not want to get pregnant. ;-D
  • How long did it take you to lose 14 lbs? That may be a more powerful indicator of whether or not your weight loss goals are realistic.
  • In your exercise diary (cardio tab), search for "strength training". It will show up. Click on it and type in the amt of minutes you worked out.