

  • that sounds like my dream cheese right there lol!
  • OH I am not knocking cheese by any means. I said "ONE" of the main reasons I gained 40 pounds. I didn't mention the insane amount of carbs and wine that I used to pair with that delicious cheese. I still have them all, I just now understand the importance of moderation. Yes, fellow wine-o's and cheese-o's unite :)
  • I could have wrote this myself! lol I adore a nice spread of wine and cheese. Which is everywhere at Christmas time. I too have turned to mostly laughing cow lite.. I find it pretty satisfying!
  • I made it up to 2350 cals today.. big jump from my 1600-1700! I was at 1800 by dinner, and of course my after dinner binge brought me up that many cals, so crazy! Logging makes me realize though how fast things add up. I have been doing this for years and never though about the calories. Hope this becomes an eye opener for…
  • I would probably need a "free week" lol but what a great idea on the timing of the free day!!!
  • Thank you for all your posts ladies (some of them made me seriously giggle lol) It's nice to feel less alone on this one! Sounds like it's pretty darn normal lol but still completely sucks.
  • lol :) Well I just tried something different. Normally I have a 400 calories lunch, today I had a carb/protien filled lunch of pasta and chicken(600 cals) Hoping that maybe now when dinner rolls around I won't be starving and eat everything in sight lol
  • yep, I am am up 3 pounds from just the past two days of making poor choices. I do okay all day, but then after dinner is when the binge happens!!! CARBS! Last night I ate a chicken wrap AFTER dinner, and a huge bag of popcorn. I almost went and bought timbits from tim hortons too until I read they were 70 cals for ONE. I…
  • wow you look AMAZING mommy! Just curious, did you breastfeed? I did with my girl and I lost the weight very quick, however I gained it all back after I weaned because I kept eating like I was breastfeeding lol :*( congrats!!
  • you're right.. I REALLY need to keep reminding myself that "this too shall pass" lol sometimes it feels like I will binge forever until I am 1000 pounds. Must be the high emotions lol
  • I think today I went up to 2600 cals! SO not like me, I do fine on 1500-1700 and never feel hungry's insane what your hormones can do. I have always been a super moody/anxiety ridden/depressed person when I have my TOM. I know it's a life style change and not a diet, so it makes me wonder how I can kick this…
  • you go girl!!! You look fabulous and must feel great!! Merry Christmas!
  • oops sorry.. I am not trying to be all " do the eat more to weigh less thing" because I am a "newbie" too. I actually stumbled across it myself and decided why not! I did read that it can lead to water weight initially while your body repairs the damage, so hang in there.. in a few weeks the scale should tip the other way…
  • I did the stupid 1200 calories and lost 13 pounds right away, but then it stopped for a whole month. I figured out my BMR and TDE and I upped my calories to between that number. so now I am eating between 1600-1700 calorie and the weight is falling off again. Starvation mode was most likely the cause. I also read " eat…
  • SO INSPIRING! congrats on all your hard work... handsome!
  • Yeah I put sedentary because I do have an at home desk job however I do chase around a toddler and perform house hold tasks. So lightly active is what I should have put lol.. I only get on the elliptical 2-3 times a week and 20 minutes at a time. I do have an ASD (hole in my heart) which makes exercise slightly more…
  • Well I am happy to report that after several days of upping to between 1600-1700 the scale has started to move again in the right direction, yay!! I feel less grumpy too! I understand if you are 5'3 and 100 pounds that 1200 might be enough for you but I weight 205 and even though I have a desk job at home, I also chase…
  • I think it's safe to say I need help. I didn't calculate my work outs because I just do them when I can. I do work from home on a computer and then take care of an 18 month old. I sit, but I get up and down LOTS with her lol. I would say I only make it to the elliptical 2 x a week but that is because she still doesn't…
  • Thanks everyone! I tried to go from 1200 to 1800 calories today.. I am sure I will see some weight on the scale because of it. I just want to be sure, do you think 1800 is where I should be based on my numbers? as you lose weight your BMR changes and you readjust, correct?
  • You want to weigh 95 pounds? The fact you think you need to lose 20 pounds is concerning and it sounds like you could have body distortion disorder, which can pretty serious. However if you are really talking about wanting to be healthy and toning up to improve you shape, that can be done without losing weight. I think the…
  • thanks.. an estimate was all I needed :)
  • Yeah I could google everything in the world, but I choose to go on this site because I like the social interaction.. sometimes. Thanks anyways.
  • yes I know, but I have nothing whatsoever to weigh it on... just need a rough idea
  • I think a free day is okay if you have a handle on your new life style change. However if you think it might send you off the deep end, I would stick to everything in moderation! You can still have that cake, just make it a smaller piece ;)
  • thank you all :) great tips!
  • Yeah I am not even bothering with my baking this year.. too much temptation to eat them all day long lol.. but will certainly have other peoples baked goods if they offer lol..
  • My mother is like that! When I gained back some weight this year she said " good, you were starting to look ill" which I know isn't true lol I think some people are just a bit negative no matter if you are gaining or losing.. always going to hear something from someone. I try to ignore it now and just do what I know is…
  • very true.. I bet my hubby will never notice :P
  • good for you on 7 pounds! That's great! :) I was thinking about 20 pounds people might start saying something. lol.. I think once my face starts slimming a bit they will notice. Even if they don't I know it's about how we feel in the end :) you're right gotta do it for ourselves! But compliments are always nice ;) hehe
  • oh yes, eggnog is a favorite in my family too. It's one thing I don't have to have though, but I can't say the same for all the wine that comes with Christmas lol