Gran315 Member


  • I'm still struggling ..... another health issue has made its presence felt, I've now got diverticulitis, which means that I had to switch to a low fibre diet and less vegetables for a while to let my innards rest. That didn't help, as weight loss came to a stop and I put weight back on. I'm now trying to get back to a…
  • I'm 77 and need to lose 100+ too. I've never been slim, but I'd settle for my wedding day weight of 200 lbs. I previously posted on two other threads set up by 70+ people but neither of them developed, so I'm here. An assortment of health problems get in the way of proper exercise, :grumble: I'm just trying to move a bit…
  • South Yorkshire saying hello
  • Here I am again, three months after my last post and no further on. How can a supposedly, reasonably intelligent female be so useless at weight loss? I don't even have the excuse of not knowing what happens to a body carrying too much weight for years either. I was a nurse! ...... I need a head transplant!!! Anyway, I'm…
  • No-one has mentioned genetics in this discussion. What sort of build are other members of the extended family? My side are given to being overweight and there are a few 6 footers amongst them, but my husband's family are what my Mum used to call "greyhound" breed, with a maximum height of 5 foot 8 inches. My lot are all…
  • About 30 years ago a hospital doctor put me on a 600 calorie diet. At close to 300 lbs, you would think the weight would have dropped off in the first week or so. I stuck rigidly to the 600 cals (it was a killer!) so you can imagine how I felt when on going for my check up a month later to find all that I'd lost was four…
  • Many moons ago before there was all this info on healthy eating, I swore blind I wasn't going to have the problems my mother had when she had me. I weighed in at 13 lbs !!! I I concentrated on high protein/low carbohydrate diet with plenty of veg. The result was a weight gain of 26 lbs during the pregnancy, but two weeks…
  • I've made a good start, 4lbs off for the first week, now to concentrate on continuing the trend. Anyone else having success?
  • My daughter introduced me to almond milk and at 14 cals per 100ml, I'm like it, I don't know what it would be like in coffee though as I drink fruit teas and have my coffee black . She likes to make her own, but discovered almonds were more expensive over here than they are in California where she lives, so she settled for…
  • I've just read through this thread and one thing really hit home. I don't usually eat much chocolate or cakes etc, but Christmas brings an abundance of the lot, usually in the form of gifts from folk who like to buy these two old biddies a treat they think we might appreciate!! Now, about the only thing on my body that…
  • Here we are at the start of another year and I never did get back on the wagon, which means I'm back up to 312 lbs!!! SO, I have to start again getting my brain back into thinking about what I eat. At the moment, the biggest problems are the biscuits and chocolates that folk have bought for us for Christmas. I need to get…
  • I haven't been on here for a couple of months because not only did I fall off the wagon, I lost the wagon altogether!! A two week visit by daughter and kids at the end of November, plus some health issues didn't help either, so here I am making another new start ...... the story of my life! My fridge is already nicely…
  • Hi everyone ... My day? First a physio appointment for my DH, to check on his hand movement after surgery, it's doing well. Then lunch, where I had to stick to a small green salad, so as not to upset my gall bladder. We then went shopping for a couple of gifts and some 2014 calendars, plus some socks for our youngest…
  • It's a last ditch attempt for me to lose some of this flab. At over 312lbs and 77 years old, I'm beginning to think of the potential damage I could do to the undertaker!!! I have never been slim, the lightest I can remember being was 190lbs when I was 18., despite being very active. I had a minor heart attack last year and…
  • Still off the wagon and trying desperately to climb back on. Daughter's month long visit has extended to two and a half months, she goes back to California next Monday. I will miss her, but I need to be able to get back into my own routine of two meals and two snacks a day, that's what seems to work for me, especially as I…
  • Hello wmilosh, I'm "crawling" back here with my tail between my legs, having fallen off the wagon spectacularly. Eldest son was taken ill suddenly with lung clots, that started the rot and then daughter and kids arrived from California for a month's stay and my kitchen is no longer my own lol. No excuse I know, but now…
  • Nice to see someone else here, but I'm not the one with suggestions on maintainance, since I'm at the beginning of a very long road! It's good that you've managed to shift the weight you wanted to lose, you look well. I suppose maintainance depends on which foods, if any, are the biggest problem and whether it's easy to…
  • c1aireee .... I sometimes buy rich tea biscuits, but mostly Tesco's tea fingers, I can have 3 for around 100 calories. Today I treated myself and had 2 Jaffa cakes, but I shall encourage my other half to eat the rest so that I'm not tempted back to the chocolate fix. I've just abandoned another sweet treat, aero chocolate…
  • I thought I'd found a good place to be, with people over 70, but seems like everyone else has "left home". I'm sorry about that because I assumed weight loss was a bit different/slower for us seniors. Ah well, I'll keep reading the other community posts and maybe I'll find someone on there who's closer to my age.
  • I'm in the UK too c1airee and a cup of tea can feel lonely without a biscuit LOL. When I can't resist, I go for Arrowroot or Tea fingers, they work out at about 35 calories each instead of 50 or so for the chocolate digestive. I always said that if I reached into the biscuit tin, they all came out on a string, making it…
  • Some years ago as I entered a shop through their narrow doorway, another customer in the shop said, "if you get any fatter, you'll not get through there." For once my brain reacted immediately and I replied, " Well, fortunately, it doesn't seem to affect my manners!" She left the shop as the young man behind the counter…
  • Heavens above!! I'm practically old enough to be your grandmother ..... I'm 76 and living in hope that I can get rid of some of this flab before I turn my toes up and give the local undertaker a bad back. 44 is nothing these days, wish I'd had MFP when I was 44, then maybe I wouldn't be so fat. I've never posted before…
    in too old Comment by Gran315 August 2012
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