baleighcakes Member


  • Thanks for the replies, everyone! I'm looking into everything that has been suggested here. I'm also considering going to a nutritionist to see if that will help.
  • Thanks for the response, I'm looking into the program your daughter did now. I'm 5'1" and at my heaviest I was very close to 170 lbs. My lowest was 95 lbs, but that was when I was a tiny high schooler who couldn't put on weight no matter what. I have a small frame and I feel like 110 give or take a few would be a healthy…
  • Thank you to all of you who have mentioned intuitive eating. That's where I want to be, I think. I really want to stop obsessing over the numbers but I'm super worried about gaining. I know doing the opposite of strict calorie counting and eating whatever whenever is the worst, especially with emotional eating. However, I…
  • I understand that counting calories is the purpose of this site. I've just been reading about the dangers of it (in certain people) and I'm starting to realize that I just might be on that road to disordered eating. I'm glad it works for many people, but I'm really starting to think it's not for everyone.
  • Thanks, everyone! I'll look into the fasting thing some more.
  • By the way, I hope I don't sound condescending in these posts when it comes to the psychology of this all. I understand it and have experience with it. I was just trying to prove the point and ask for actual nutrition advice. But the stories of recovering are always wonderful and appreciated, of course.
  • I think what I'm trying to get at is: calorie counting is the most accurate thing you can do...but maybe it's not right for everyone? I've been educating myself on weight loss stuff for years now. I sound like a nutritionist when I offer advice to anyone. I know all the logistics. But the psyche behind it is something else…
  • Thank you ladies, I feel better now. Keep up the great work, you're doing awesome! We can succeed. =)
  • Thanks everyone, these all look great!
  • ALSO, I guess many people recommend a low carb diet for those with PCOS, but I'm on antidepressants, too, and there's a lot of research pointing to a high carb diet for weight loss success in those regards (good old serotonin). What to do? Drugs suck.
  • I've just barely skimmed through these posts because there's so many, but I was wondering if anyone has addressed obsessiveness/disordered eating here? Of course everyone's different, but I read an article somewhere else that really hit home for me about counting can become your life and it SUCKS. What am I…
  • Thank you so much to everyone who was helpful. Of course it's different for everyone else, but he just got diagnosed and I figured he could try out the stuff that has worked for other patients first. Exercising with constant chronic pain/tingling/numbness/whatever is difficult, and I'm glad to hear from people who also…
  • Thank you, this is very helpful!
  • Yeah, his neurologist basically just said "whatever you can handle." So.
  • Update: I thought that maybe this was all due to me not wearing my Fitbit for a while (I guess it gets better as you wear it over time). So after wearing it for a week straight, I left it alone all day yesterday. As I check back on the log, it again says I burned 1967 calories AND I climbed 9 floors yesterday. Dafuq.
  • I did use the calculator, which put me at what I originally calculated - an intake around 1500 calories. I would just really like to lose closer to 2 lbs a week.
  • You all are awesome for trying to help out. Just one more question! What about eating back my exercise calories? Like, set a net goal for 1200, burn around 500 calories during P90X, causing a total intake of 1700 calories. Would that be ok?
  • This actually makes a lot of sense, and setting myfitnesspal to weight maintenance is a great idea. I just have a couple questions: Setting it to weight maintenance puts me at 1630 daily calories. This is set using the sedentary option (not working right now in order to take care of my disabled veteran husband). And just…
  • Thanks to everyone who has posted so far! I made my food diary public so you can get a better idea on what my daily intake looks like. I don't log exercising because I use other apps for that, but I'm doing the P90X lean program and I'm taking walks every day as well. I still really don't know everything about myfitnesspal…