PCOS, spironolactone, and weight

Hey everyone,

My doctor just diagnosed me with PCOS after getting lab work done and finding high testosterone, high progesterone, and high DHEA in my body. I just started taking spironolactone (50 mg once a day) today, but I've heard horror stories of gaining weight while on the drug. Is this a super common side effect? I've also been taking birth control for like, 10 years...my hope is that with the addition of spiro, everything will just level out and I can continue with my (slow) weight loss. Of course, now it's more important than ever for me to lose weight since PCOS can lead to diabetes thanks to insulin resistance. So any additional weight gain/hindrance to my weight loss goals would majorly suck. Any ladies here have any experience with using spiro for hormone imbalances? Were you ultimately able to reach your weight loss goals? How did your symptoms improve/go away after losing the weight?

Thanks, I'm just freaking out a tiny bit over this new diagnosis and drug. Sorry if I seem paranoid. =P


  • baleighcakes
    baleighcakes Posts: 28 Member
    ALSO, I guess many people recommend a low carb diet for those with PCOS, but I'm on antidepressants, too, and there's a lot of research pointing to a high carb diet for weight loss success in those regards (good old serotonin). What to do?

    Drugs suck.
  • I have PCOS and dont take any medications (last time I was tested I was not insulin resistant but am being retested tomorrow or day after)

    My weight loss is slow...and sometimes a bit crazy....but I have still managed to lose 150+ pounds....that said I started this weight loss gig in 2006 (life has got in the way quite a few times)...my belief for PCOS is eat well, get enough sleep and exercise especially weight work.

    I currently eat about 110 grams of carbs and am losing.
  • tennisgirl444
    tennisgirl444 Posts: 57 Member
    I take spiro for my hair (although I also do have PCOS, but I don't take it for PCOS). I haven't noticed any weight gain while on it- my weight was quite high and steady before and after I was on it. I was also on 200 mg a day at one point, but dropped down to 100 mg a day when i started having some side effects like feeling tired, sore muscles, etc. If you look through the investigator's brochure, it actually says weight loss is a possible side effect, although if you google it, some people do believe they gained weight from the drug. I'm still on 100 mg a day, and I've started MFP about 35-40 days ago and I've managed to lose about 18 lbs, so it's definitely possible on spiro! And it might be even easier for you to lose weight once your hormones are fixed.

    Good luck!
  • baleighcakes
    baleighcakes Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you ladies, I feel better now. Keep up the great work, you're doing awesome! We can succeed. =)
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    id ask for a referral to an endrocrinologist
  • neurogirl
    neurogirl Posts: 706 Member
    I have PCOS and was diagnosed about 15 years ago after a sudden gain of 80 pounds in 6 months. Once I started the spiro, birth control, and glucophage (because my doctor felt this combination was the best treatment) I was able to finally see the scale go down below 255 lbs. That being said, I do have ups and downs, and I find that I lose weight best if I am working out. When I don't work out, I will either remain stable (or if I'm not careful) gain weight if it's during a particularly high stress time. I have never had high blood sugar but diabetes does run in my family (Type I and Type II), so I have blood work regularly. I find that, contrary to what my first two doctors thought, I do best if I eat a low fat diet, not a low carb diet. Everyone is different so it may take you a while to figure out what works best for you. Hope that this helps a bit, and fee free to send a message if you have any questions.