

  • Nobody told me I can have smoothies everyday???? everybody just told me how many calories it contains and how unhealthy it is for my diet. I did not believe it but did not consume it either. Lol. I feel like a moron right now. anyways from tomorrow smoothies it is and i will post a recipe too later.
  • I have not heard about Paleo diet... I am gonna look it up and see if it works for me too!!!!
  • Hey! I just added you
  • Day 2 Kick start your morning with Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). You need to perform these before breakfast and soon after you wake up to have the most impact. (repeat it how many ever times you can. Try at least min 18rep at first. Increase it as you go from day to day). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLv3-YrvyuY…
  • so sorry. forgot to add the link. here it is: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654564-lose-weight-with-me
  • exercise plan for today. Start every morning with yoga (sun salutation) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXTpTRuPiPQ (repeat however many times you can do it) This particular asana stretches and strengthens every muscle in the body and also increases flexibility. It has many health benefits from what I have heard.…
  • hey if you think Jillian is too extreme you could start the workouts that i plan on starting today. I believe it's a good plan hopefully. I guess more people that join me in my journey to lose weight will keep me motivated enough. here is the link if you want to check it out.…
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