tgsoe Member


  • The truth of the matter is, let's face it, you were out and about, not at home on the couch gorging yourself on Ben and Jerrys. I only wish that strangers who are supportive were more open to speaking out, then you'd be feeling a whole lot better about yourself - like yesterday afternoon. My partner David and I were doing…
  • Up at 5am for an hour on the Elliptical (511 cals). Home to get the Better Half (he's delicious!) off to work. Walked my sub-woofer Sam for 40 mins (298 cals). Came to work. Stressed a bit over the level of incompetance that is accepted these days. Now looking forward to heading home for another walk with Sam-Dog. THEN, a…
  • I do 2 x 1 hour sessions a week, and I am reaping the benefits. It is great incorporated with your cardio and resistence sessions, and will improve your mental and physical wellbeing - muscles look longer and toned ..... all that stuff they spruke about yoga is all true - it's not a gimmick. As others have said, I wouldn't…
  • And meat.
  • Let's do this! SW - 79.1 kgs CW - 71.8 kgs GW - 69.0 kgs (by 30 April) GW - 67.0 kgs I would love to achieve 67 kgs by the end of April, however, I have hit my plateau, so it is small steps for me from here on in until I can get over this hurdle. My main goal is to not get frustrated with the scales. We're measuring in…
  • Having been in an abusive relationship myself, I can relate to this. You need to know though, that you are worth more than what he is giving you credit for. He is clearly not supportive, giving or loving by any stretch, and YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN THAT. My coping mechanism with my ex was alcohol - and regardless of your…
  • Brisbane Broncos all the way!
  • I have the Polar RCX3, and I wouldn't be without it. I have noted the difference between my HRM and the generic calories built in to the cardio machines in my gym - and depending on intensity, on occasion, the cardio machines indicate that I have lost almost double to what I actually have (I don't maintain my hands on the…
  • I eat some of them back. As long as at the end of the day, there is no red number on my screen, I am a happy camper. I am currently on 1200 cals a day, and exercise anywhere between 600 - 1100 cals per day, so if I didn't eat my calories back, I'd probably be in hospital right now!
  • I'm not ashamed to say that the stunning pic for my profile is some random off a fitness page on the net. She has an amazing body, and everytime I log in and see it, it makes me more determined. Her physique is amazeballs!
  • I normally fill my ipod with randoms, and make a mental note while I am out running of which ones have the RPMs that best suit my pace. I buff it out with some tunes that are a bit faster, and use these as interval runs to get the heart rate up that little bit more during the run. Because I go for RPM, not artist/genre, I…
  • A plateau is when you're working out and seeing no results, not doing nothing and expecting results. You haven't been at a plateau, you just haven't been burning more calories than you're consuming. Your body will catch up to your effort with time, so long as you are accurate in your logging both calories consumed AND…
  • I think it is all about balance. My partner and I are what you could define as 'gym junkies', generally doing two sessions a day - we love it. We aren't big on the 'club' scene which is kind of ideal, both calorically (is that even a word) and financially. But, we do enjoy occasionally heading down to the Pub for the…
  • Keep the Body Guessing. Vary your workouts. Remember though that whilst exercise is amazing for you, leading a healthy and ACTIVE liftstyle is just as important. Clean Living - with your own little indulgences when your calories allow (insert Red Wine here...). Make it a hobby, not a chore. I've found that being in a good…
  • My aim is for 1200kcal/day, however, as I do a lot of exercise, I amend this as I need too. My partner and I sit down at the start of each week and plan out our meals and snacks, and stick to it as much as possible. Since starting MFP, I have gone over my caloric intake on only 3 occasions, and all were due to consumption…
  • I was in the same predicament yesterday when I received notification from the App that I had not consumed enough calories and basically faced my metabolism slowing down, and my body going into starvation mode and grasping onto that chunk like there is no tomorrow. RaspberryKeyt is right that if you are under your goal and…