
  • Set healthy, reasonable goals. Dont say your gonna exercise 6 days a week when you know you dont have time. Also, get yourself goal rewards. Ex for me, when I reach 135 , im going to by new swim suit etc( try non-food releated goals)
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    Stop doing the things that got you there
  • Portion control...yes

    Best recommendation is to read the ingredients on what you are getting ready to eat and if you can't pronounce ingredients contained in the food then do not eat it. If you don't know what it is, neither does your body...especially your liver!
  • wannakimmy
    wannakimmy Posts: 488 Member
    Think before making a food choice.

    Is it what you really want, in the correct portion? Are you going to regret eating it? Will this fit into my calories for the day?

    This has really helped me out!
  • Weight training! After 2 weeks of consistency, it shuts my appetite down like no other. Often find myself forcing myself to eat dinner lol.
  • Write it all down.
    Therein lies the magic
  • Be consistent for a long period of time and restart again the next day when you overeat.

    To prevent loose skin on your stomach: lose weight slowly ex 1 pound a week and do free weights exercise as you lose not after your weight loss.
  • If you can't stop eating something cut it out until you can control yourself .
    Create an eating /exercise habit.
    Drink as much water/tea as you can.
    Stay busy.
  • James_Bergin
    James_Bergin Posts: 84 Member
    My input for whats its worth:

    1) MY BIGGEST TIP: Aim to make your diet look as much like a HEALTHY and WHOLESOME VEGETARIAN or vegan DIET. I switched to almost completely a vegetarian diet for pro-environmental reasons a couple of years ago, and almost by karma, the pounds flew off. To be fair, I never was a particularly big fan of meat, but you don't have to forego animal byproducts (eggs, dairy, honey), or protein sources, to reap the benefits; I don't even know if I would recommend you try, given it takes a bit of time and planning to make sure a plant based diet is providing full nutrition. However, cutting back on your meat and/or animal byproduct intake to one or two meals a day at first, and then gradually reducing that to only one or two days a week, will really help you meet your weight loss goals. Not to mention its generally cheaper, and if you have any medical issues such as high blood pressure, the plant-based diet will almost certainly help keep your wallet and general health in good shape too!

    And some more:

    2) Don't just jump into a diet. Decide what your ideal diet would look like, and then gradually transform you current diet into the ideal one over the course of a few weeks.

    3) Log you meals religiously - at least for the first few months. It will suck a bit, but you will start to get a "feel" for good and bad foods, and that will make it easier. Stupid as this sounds, don't cheat - the only one you'll be cheating is yourself.

    4) Portion control, calorie deficits, and counting are great and all, but nothing tops exercise. Exercise regularly and log it just like what your eating. Don't take it easy at the gym either, cardio and strength should keep you sweating for most of your work out.
  • tgsoe
    tgsoe Posts: 17 Member
    Keep the Body Guessing. Vary your workouts. Remember though that whilst exercise is amazing for you, leading a healthy and ACTIVE liftstyle is just as important.

    Clean Living - with your own little indulgences when your calories allow (insert Red Wine here...).

    Make it a hobby, not a chore.

    I've found that being in a good mental state means I eat better, train better, love life more, and that makes the kilo's easier to lose.

    Don't make it a 'DIET', make it a lifestyle.

    Enjoy it!
  • IndiaGuerita1983
    IndiaGuerita1983 Posts: 98 Member
    Weigh and measure.

    What she said. And READ EVERY LABEL. Pay close attention to serving size. I found out today that the sneaky salad that I've been eating from Wal-Mart is actually FOUR servings...not one serving. *sigh*

  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Learning portion control.

    Weighing all foods.

    Having strong will power.

    Having self-control.
  • AlainaKayy
    AlainaKayy Posts: 206 Member
    Don't give up, no matter if you have a bad day.
  • drink your water
  • KattrinaR
    KattrinaR Posts: 1 Member
  • Just when you think you got it all figured out........you've got to change things up again. Don't be afraid to try new things.
  • Remember: it wasn't 1 bad day, or even 2 days that got you to the point you are at now. So 1 or 2 bad days will not undo all your hard work. Just pick up and go on.
  • shannoonn
    shannoonn Posts: 6 Member
    You didn't gain 20 pounds in a week, so don't expect to lose 20 pounds in a week.

    It all takes time, so be patient and you will see results if you work hard.
  • Eat less, move more.
  • hbk991
    hbk991 Posts: 192 Member