Thanks. I love your ticker-it's beautiful!! Wow you've lost 36 pounds since July-I need to be taking advice from you!!
So I should eat 1800 calories a day? Right now I'm eating around 1500 and exercising for 30 minutes and I haven't lost weight in 2 weeks.
OOps I tickered myself twice!!LOL
Thanks everyone for the warm and encouraging feedback!! I have noticed in the last few days I have not been as tired after doing 10 mins so I think I'm going to try 15. If I can't catch my breath, then I will try doing 3 ten minute workouts a day. Thanks again for all the kind words.:heart:
Thanks everyone for the warm feedback. I decided to take your advice and put my original weight before starting MFP to show my total weight lose to date. It does make me feel more motivated!!
Thanks for the posting. I just cut my calorie intake thinking I would lose weight faster-now I'm not so sure. Do you know where I can find the right calorie intake for my weight? Maybe online?
okay...I'm on here. Now what????