amusedmonkey Member


  • No, I don't like the tired achy feeling. I like feeling good, comfortable, happy, full of energy, content...etc. I do very much enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction that comes after, but it doesn't connect in my brain with the feeling of being tired. I see being tired as an unavoidable side effect which I'm…
  • Breakfast: omelet made with lots of butter and olive oil (back when I could eat eggs), a large hummus and falafel sandwich with enough hummus to squeeze out of the sandwich (like at least 100 grams and 300+ calories worth), greek yogurt, or leftovers from yesterday's lunch. Lunch: my main meal, mostly home-cooked, usually…
  • Depends on what works for you. There really is no perfect formula that fits everyone. For me, it's about 25-30% for breakfast (if I'm having breakfast), 40-60% for lunch, about 20% for dinner, and about 10% for snacks (if I'm having snacks). When I don't have breakfast I bump up my lunch and/or snacks. I like a light…
  • I would argue this is still moderation. Moderation is not only about the amount, but the frequency and the calorie budget too. If you have enough calories to fit in a whole pack of cookies, it probably doesn't happen daily and you're probably making an informed choice to eat it within your calories vs losing control and…
  • Well, not right now because they're not available (I wish they were) and because it's still too early for the fireplace, but lately, I've been dreaming of a large bowl of fire roasted chestnuts (that's 700+ calories). I will probably make room for them when the time comes, but oh how nice it would have been if they didn't…
  • I'm probably going to get a few disagrees for this, but I think it's okay to stay where you are for now if you keep tabs on your health parameters. Trust me, when something starts to go off with your blood panel you will most probably start to care. As adults we make choices. If you feel your current choice is better for…
  • Load of nonsense. It's okay to go to bed hungry, and it's okay to eat before bed, but it has nothing to do with weight loss. Burning fat is about eating fewer calories than your body needs, the rest is details that don't affect weight loss outside of personal preference and sustainability. If going to bed hungry makes…
  • Eat your calories, all of them, and if you exercise, eat that too. There is no reason for torturing yourself on a toddler's calorie allowance.
  • How I handle that usually depends on the day, how much I want pizza, how hungry I am, how much I want some other dish, how many calories I have/willing to spend...etc. - Sometimes I skip the pizza and eat something else if something else sounds more appealing. - Sometimes I have a slice for a taste plus a salad and a large…
  • Wasn't in the mood for breakfast today, but I did finish off some chips. I logged a whole 60 gram package yesterday but didn't finish it, so today's "breakfast" was essentially calorie free.
  • I think you will be fine not to count them if your weight loss is going fine without counting. You're not very likely to overeat them since keto puts a cap on how much of them you can eat anyway. I personally count them because I don't do low carb and I can easily exceed the net carb allowance for keto in tomatoes alone,…
  • I weighed over 130 kg and this is exactly how I lost the weight. At first, I focused on logging both for habit building and to identify what things contribute most calories and what calorie cuts can be made easier than others. In my case, I noticed olive oil was contributing too much and I didn't need nearly as much to…
  • No, you're not a failure, you're human. People rarely magically change. Habits are called habits for a reason, they're ingrained and habitual. Have you tried tackling whatever you want to change in baby steps? For example, buy diet coca cola. If even that is hard, try replacing one or two servings with a diet drink and…
  • In this case, I usually go with what fits my goal. Weight loss: the higher number, weight gain: the lower number, weight maintenance: USDA because it gives me a more complete nutrient profile (I like data). You can never be 100% accurate all the time. Even the same food in different seasons or from different batches can…
  • It doesn't surprise me. For some people, that's all they know, for others, that's just human nature. If they seem genuinely interested, I try my best to explain in as simple and as nonjudgmental terms as possible. If they're just making small talk or looking for ways to justify their unwillingness to take that step, I try…
  • What is a lot? A lot is when what you're doing is too much for you to handle, either physically or mentally. For some people, even one flight of stairs is a lot, for others 50 is fine. Build up your activity gradually until you reach a point you're happy with. Think forward: what level of activity can you reliably keep up…
  • Going by measurements would never work for me. I like comfortable stretchy or roomy clothes, so it can take a lot for them to start feeling uncomfortable.
  • I hate shopping, so I did Amazon for plus size, and I still do Amazon for regular size. I'm afraid I can't be of much help here.
  • Trust me, as someone who tried to go very low carb and gained, some people CAN overeat fat on a low carb diet. I'm someone who is satisfied by volume and starches, so lack of starches and tiny portions on a very low carb diet was the perfect combination for weight gain. I was simply unable to eat enough to feel satisfied…
  • You're not missing much. It has just about the same calories as normal pizza, if not more, so the tradeoff isn't worth it at all if you don't like cauliflower. When I want more vegetables in my diet, I eat vegetable dishes that I like. There is no need to modify perfectly good food unless you like the modified variation…
  • Pasta, pizza, ice cream...etc, I never have problems with them. For the main meal, I can eat enough pasta or pizza to be satisfied. I managed it well enough when I was dieting, so I can manage it even easier when I'm maintaining. My usual satisfying portion of these things contains roughly around the same calories as any…
  • The exact same thing happened to me. I was kinda sorta maintaining for a good while. I don't even know the exact day I started maintaining. I did have a weight goal, but I was taking a lot of extended diet breaks because I didn't really care about losing more. I was technically still dieting, but not really. Then I…
  • I used to pay attention to carbs when I had blood sugar issues. I don't need to anymore. The way I eat has already been established so I don't need to figure out how I feel on different macro levels, so I only look at calories and protein (because it's the hardest macro for me to get). I have zero issues getting enough fat…
  • Depends on the type of pain. I experienced plantar fasciitis and managed to damage my achilles just by walking too much. The plantar fasciitis disappeared once I recovered (and ramped up my activity gradually after that), but the achilles is chronic now. It doesn't normally hurt, but if I cross a certain activity threshold…
  • I'm pretty much over my sugar every single day (and not by just 15 grams, either). I don't even track it because it doesn't provide any useful information for me. I've been maintaining my weight for more than a year without issues because I'm able to manage my calories, nothing else.
  • You look cool, dude, both before and after. Congratulations on achieving your goals in both health and music! Keep it up, you deserve the best.
  • My back, because it's beyond redemption and being bed bound every now and then is a fact of life. I don't dwell too much on it, though. My motto in all things is "accept and adapt", so I'm past hating my back (or any other part of my body for that matter) because I would rather have a bad back than have a bad back AND feel…
  • The same thing I say to myself when I see an expensive gadget or device (I'm a technology freak): Is it worth the money? do I really want it enough that I'm willing to sacrifice something else for it? Am I willing to take on extra work/dip into my savings for it? If any of the above is a no, then I don't want it enough. As…
  • Set it at a comfortable level you will be able to keep up. 0.5 kg seems like a good choice, 1 kg is likely a bit steep if you're not exceptionally active (I remember I had it set to about 0.5-0.6 kg when I weighed 116. How much you actually lose will depend on many factors like how accurately you count your calories, how…
  • Depends on how you define it. If you mean the types of food, every day is a cheat day because I don't particularly limit the types of food I eat. I do manage them, I mean I won't be eating something that is very high in calories if I'm having a hungry day. I would rather have more volume on such days. I also think if the…