

  • I get that at work all of the time. I work at a hospital with a lot of girls who are overweight/not in shape (I'm not knocking you ladies!) but I think a lot of it is because I'm smaller than they are. They think I'm already skinny enough. but they don't see all the rolls hidden under my scrubs!
  • I find something that I am addicted to and treat myself. Make up, sexy undies, a new piercing or two...
  • Oh, I know the feeling. I've worn a 12 for as long as I can remember. Well, the other day I went shopping for clothes for my mom to give to me for Christmas and I was so scared to try on the 10s. I mean, I know ever style of jeans is different and I know the jeans that I currently have are getting loose, but I was…
  • Hey don't worry about sounding superficial. Most of us are doing this not only for our health, but because we want to look good! Here's what motivates me: 1) My boyfriend lives 22 hours away. I only get to see him maybe twice a year. He knows I'm trying to lose some weight/get in shape, but I don't think he realizes how…