

  • If you only eat 1500 and work out, you will deprive yourself and you will always be hungry...and you will fail. Eat 2000 and try to burn 500. Don't let anyone direct your journey...especially if they aren't on a journey! Also, you should know how many calories you burn per day, without doing anything at all. For instance,…
  • Hi - I only know because I recently became more "knowledgeable" about my own. I also purchased a heart rate monitor watch. 220 - Your Age = Your Max Heart Rate I am 40. My max heart rate is 180 (220-40 =180) Now, what are your trying to achieve? Weight Loss? If so, it is recommended that you exercise within 55 to 85…
  • That is hard! Thanks for the challenge!
  • Do you want to run or do you want to love running? There is a difference.