wildflowerklc Member


  • Got my Chrg HR set up this morning! I'm so excited that it can sync with MFP!
  • Welcome! I love this site! The key to doing well is having motivating friends. It's amazing how good it feels to lose one pound and have a bunch of comments of praise! Also, when you are having an "off" day from dieting, its nice to have motivating people with ideas to help you get through it. I have a tool for you to…
  • I just sent a request to you all and I am in the same boat. I'm getting married in 4 months and I'm giving this site another shot. I did well for a while and then fell off. I'm motivated to try again and do it! 2013 is going to be the year of health! We can do this together!
  • Starting over is SO HARD, but it is the most motivating point of the whole journey. We can do this together! I have 70 lbs to lose and at least 20 before my wedding in May. I hope I can make that happen. Please add me! I need so much support!
  • I'm getting married in May 2013! I have to lose as much weight as possible before my first dress fitting in march! I'm very motivated to lose it before I have to even step into my wedding gown again! It was snug last time. yikes! So I'm laying it all on the table: I'm 203 lbs and I'd like to lose at LEAST 20 of…
  • I am also a weekend heavy drinker unfortunately. It's hard to get back on weight loss track when monday rolls around. I think even low cal cocktails are terrible, but they are better than mai tais and margaritas! rum and diet or vodka diet tonic are my fav.
  • Me too! 5'4 and 40 lbs. to lose before my wedding. We can do this together!
  • Just got back from Vegas! I did alright. Eating out is HARD, but I shared meals with friends and stuff, so as long as you bring healthy snacks along (granola bars...bananas?) then its simple to sit down to dinner, not be STARVING...and order a salad with the dressing on the side. I need friends too!!!
  • I see what you are saying! I'm in the same boat. It says eat 1200 and I eat about 1000. I feel like I spread my calories throughout the day enough that I never feel hungry, I just ONLY eat healthy things. There is nothing wrong with eating less calories, just make sure you pay attention to the other nutritional elements…
  • I'm taking back my confidence in telling myself when I am or am not hungry