PinkBuffalo Member


  • @Rachel0778 Wow! You've got a LOT going on. Balance is tricky but it sounds like you've realized a limit, so good for you. And it doesn't surprise me that you had something to say to many of us here (thank you). You know what they say about giving things to a busy person because they know how to get it done!
  • Hi All - would like to re-introduce myself. I'm a 50+ gal who has 'suddenly' found herself in a huge hole. It's hard to imagine I've really let myself get this far into this hot mess, but here I am. I'm a super hard working professional who travels a lot for work and have found myself enjoying the wonderful foods and wines…
  • Me too :tongue: Surprisingly, my eating has been easier to regulate - I'm guessing since the wonderful food we had there (and the regularity of it) is making a difference even now. But it's a different story with exercising! I'm struggling to find a new routine with that one. A bit of hit and miss with the gym, but I'm…
  • Just started on this site so I'm still trying to figure it out... but THIS is exactly what I need to get going! Thanks for the perfect timing!!